If you are looking for a way to understand our world better, then a few options are more suitable than Earthing. The art of Earthing is built around the idea of ‘earthing’ yourself to the ground by taking off your socks and shoes. By digging your feet into the natural ground below, many wellness practitioners believe that you can feel more aligned with the natural world.

Walking around barefoot is something we did naturally until we invented the idea of footwear. Wellness experts believe it can bring out a sense of optimism and positivity, and it can become one of the most satisfying wellness activities that you can do.
Modern lifestyles today force us to live an increasingly fast pace of life, and many feel it has disconnected us from nature. We are separated from the flow of the planet, some believe. Earthing helps you to feel like you can reconnect with the world and thus hopefully reduce your risk of things like chronic illness and inflammatory illness. Some even believe that it is this disconnect from the world itself that is partly to blame for this rise in illness.

Does earthing help me to live a better life?
Earthing is not just good for the soul, though. It is supposed to be good for our bodies naturally. Why? Because when we stand barefoot on the ground, our body can absorb the electrons that come through the negative charge of the Earth itself.
Given our nervous systems are just electrical systems in the first place, all of the activities we do are impacted by electrons. Negative electrons can calm our nervous system, and this can give us a feeling that is the opposite of “flight or fight” instincts. Instead, it makes us want to find a sense of inner rest, giving our bodies a better chance of fighting off illness and ill health.
Grounding is also supposed to help with the regulation of our cortisol levels, which is very important for our long-term health. Many who take part in grounding say they sleep better, feel less pain daily, and generally can handle stress better than they could beforehand.
Does this work? It is hard to say; for some, it is life-changing, and for others, it is a placebo. Why not try it out for yourself, though, and see how it feels?