Doing absolutely nothing for a while. Sitting on the couch and staring out the window. Here's why you should do it more often.

Many people have every day completely planned. You go to work, want to go to the gym, call a friend, and would like to clean your house as well. When do you take the time to do nothing at all? By this we mean just sit on your couch or chair and loaf around a bit. Put your phone and all other forms of distraction aside. As you stare into a vacuum, all sorts of thoughts will run through your mind. Your subconscious will now become more active and your creativity will increase. Often in such moments, you will suddenly come up with a solution to a problem you have been struggling with for some time or you will suddenly come up with the most original ideas.

Often boredom is seen as something negative. You always have to be busy and busy, while silence is very good for your brain. Silence allows important feelings and thoughts to surface. These may be feeling that you normally hide away and prefer not to deal with. By dwelling on them, you will be able to work with your feelings and possibly think of solutions to deal with situations differently in the future. Ultimately, doing nothing at all will help you to make better decisions in the future. If you find it difficult to do nothing for a while, you could start with five minutes a day and increase this time a little.