Sometimes we just blurt out something without even realizing it. But rest assured: swearing can be stress relieving!

Especially during stressful situations or when you are overwhelmed by emotions, you may blurt out something you later regret. If this happens when you are with friends, it is not so bad, but in some situations, it is less appropriate. The question is whether a stranger or your boss or colleagues are waiting for this. Fortunately, there is a science that can reassure you. Swearing out loud once in a while can reduce feelings of stress. By cursing, you can get rid of your emotions for a while, which makes you feel less frustrated and/or angry.

Pain reduction
Swearing has another advantage. If you are in pain, for example, if you stubbed your toe or if you tripped over a step, you might throw out some less attractive words. This is not a bad thing at all. The emotional and physical reaction to pain causes a flight/fight response. This will give you a lot of energy so you can better deal with the pain. So next time, don't feel bad about throwing out a few swear words because you bumped your knee against that nasty table leg.