Being out in the sun is, broadly, exceptional fun. Everyone enjoys a bit of time spent in the sun. The problem that we often run into, though, is that we can spend a little too long in the sun. Sun exposure, especially to certain parts of the body, can become downright dangerous. With that in mind, which parts of the body should you look to better protect?

The scalp
Ever wonder why most people out in the sun are wearing hats? It isn’t just for the shade. It is because protecting your scalp from the sun is essential. Wearing a hat helps you to avoid your scalp getting burned in the sun, and it is much easier to throw on a hat than it is to cover your head with sunscreen!
Your scalp can easily burn in the sun if you do not look to provide the right kind of protection, so make this a priority if you can.
The lips
You might not assume it, but your lips are one of the most sensitive parts of our body when it comes to being in the sun. You should therefore make protecting your lips a priority. Your lips should be protected by wearing a lip balm that comes with SPF30 protection or more.
If you go swimming, take a drink, eat something, or even kiss someone, it should be reapplied ASAP.

The eyes
Our eyes are something we should always look to protect from the sun. If you wear sunglasses then you are mostly fine, but make sure they come with 100% UV ray protection. It might cost a little more, but it will benefit you in the long run.
Burning your eyes via the sun is painful and it can make sure that you spend several days squinting and struggling to see. Make sure you protect your eyes with sunglasses.
The feet
Lastly, you should make sure that you look to get your feet protected. Sure, walking about in the golden sand on your bare feet feels great. But long exposure to the sun can be dangerous to our feet. You could burn the top of your feet which makes getting around the place tough.
Therefore, make sure you apply sunscreen to your feet as well as to the rest of your lower legs.
Keep these factors in mind, and keeping your body safer from the sun should become a little bit easier overall.