How to Start a Journal And Not Stop at Page One

For many, the idea of owning a journal to chronicle your thoughts and ideas seems great. Like many self-improvement tasks, though, the idea is often easier to commit to than the reality. With that in mind, how can you make sure that you start a journal and stick to it?

Make sure it is easily accessible

Firstly, make sure that you can get to your journal at all times. Given the power of digital and always online tech, you could keep your journal on a password-protected cloud. Make sure it is accessible from more than one app if you do go down the route of digital journaling.

This makes it easier to access at all times, and more likely that you will keep adding to it. If you have to wait until you get home, you might forget.

Keep it free from others

One of the main reasons people stop reading a journal is that they worry someone else will find it and divulge their secrets. With that in mind, password protect or secure the journal with some form of personal lock that only you know. Then, you can be as open and honest in the journal as you like.

We often stop short with a journal because we do not want to write what we truly feel in case someone comes across it. Do not do that – be 100% honest; it is much easier to keep going if you do!

Use your journal to counter emotions

Perhaps the best way to use your journal is to use to get emotions in place. If you feel angry or upset about a situation, writing down your thoughts can do two crucial things. One, it can give you time to calm down so you do not do or say something that you will come to regret. And two, it can ensure that you can actually look at how you feel. When we look at what we have written down, it can make us realize that our feelings are incorrect or exaggerated. Then, you can more easily come to terms with your emotions and feelings before displaying them to others.

Keep these factors in mind, as they can go a very long way indeed to making sure you can get more from your journal experience. Once you start, though, commit to keeping going – you will feel the benefits in the long term.