Shelters can be crowded places, these days. Often, there are more doggos than adopters! For the lucky ones, the day arrives when a friend takes them home. When dreams do come true, that moment is pure magic — worthy of a snapshot and a story!
Miles of Smiles
The joy of having a furry friend is best explained all in one picture — this one! On his way home for the first time, this lil' pup is perched on his daddy's shoulders. It's just so exciting, to be out and about in the world. Where are they going, after leaving the pound?

The answer is a new house, nothing like the cages of before. Cuddles are planned, adventures await, and freedom is in the air. And so is love, between man and pup!
Next: See the moment that mutts realized they had their forever home-sweet-home!
Smile Like You Mean It
As Pharrell Williams sang: ''Clap along if you know what happiness is to you, because I'm happy.'' This very good boy probably can't do it fully, because of his clumsy paws. But he sure can smile, something few know a dog can do!

It's just heart-wrenchingly sweet to see the moment this dog knew he was going to have a family. Toys and treats await. Fetch is no longer just a fantasy. Cheerfully tucking into his new master's arms, he is just having the best day. The first of many, hopefully!
Joy to the World
Scarlett the dog was actually scheduled to be put down at a local animal shelter. Oh no! It's the reality of overcrowding, as many know. In this case, she had a mild skin condition that was scaring off visitors. Would there be a rescue, at the last possible minute?

As it turns out, the issue was totally curable. When one compassionate family took a look at her face, they were happy to deal with it! Today, she's all better and settled in to her new life. Happy and free, she escaped right in the nick of time!
Best Friends for Life
It's hard to say who has more glee, in this photo. According to the owner, this is the moment man and dog met for the first time, ever. Both are pretty well matched, in terms of energy. It's a perfect friendship, here in the making!

Both know the days of sitting in the shelter with uncertainty are gone for good. These pals are grinning wide for the camera, a hint of good times to come. Unconditional love, playfulness, and cuddles are on the schedule now. Maybe even some visits to the park, occasionally!
Goodbye Old Friend
Adopting a dog is a kind act, to be sure. But sometimes, the friends made at the pound cannot come along for the journey. This is the moment when one little doggy reazlied his adoption was real. But it was a solo choice, sadly!

Saying goodbye to a dear buddy is never easy: Paw to head, it's a little heartbreaking from afar. But the truth is, better days lie ahead. New adventures, walks, and treats are just around the corner. Lots of new love, too. Destiny awaits, as hard it as it may be now!
On Cloud Nine
This sweet beagle had a sad story, at the beginning. Overweight and very old, her previous owners actually abandoned her. Yes, the cruelty exists out there. And in many cases, that would mean the end for a shelter pooch like this. Day after day, she waited for her family to return, but they never came.

One day, a human stopped by. It wasn't anyone she knew, but he knew he wanted to get to know her. Just eight hours after her adoption, a photo was taken of the new pair. Second chances are the best!
Military Mutt
Sometimes, military bases have pet adoption events. Totally coneveninent. sinc they spend so much time there. And great for doggies too, to get extra exposure! One Staff Sergeant found a loving companion, seen here. It's an English bulldog, adorably named Pinkerton. When they first met, it was true love!

It's clear they bonded instantly. And luckily, there was a camera to capture the magic! Licks and cuddles from pets are therapeutic for many veterans, who often deal with emotional challenges. Some shelters wave fees just to pair them together, forever!
Goodnight, Sleep Tight
Accroding to the National Sleep Foudnation, canines spend around 50% of each day snoozing. That's 12 to 14 hours! While it might seem like a lot, most of it isn't observed while humans are away. And there is always extra cuddle time for bonding, as seen here.

A little girl and her pal are peacefully getting some Zzz's on the doggy bed. In this case, she has joined him in his special space. Perhaps he is banned by the rules of the house from human bedrooms. It's a common demand, out there!
Four of a Kind
An empty home can be a lonely place. As they say, the more the merrier. In this case, it's definitely true! Tiny paws, floppy tongues, and toothless smiles all around, these senior chihuahuas all got adopted together. A dream of all dreams, if there ever was one!

It's hard for older shelter dogs to get a hearing, with so many puppies around. But these boys really seemed like a package deal! Naturally, dogs run in packs in the wild. Humankind has altered this instinct through civilization. But when they get a chance to hang out together, it just feels right!
The Fluffiest Floof
Sometimes, a match happens right away. This little pup was instantly snatched up at the shelter. So much poof and fluff were hard to resist. And this couple decided they didn't want to hold back! Riding home in the car, he can't wait to get home and see what's in store. Treats, perhaps?

Or maybe, snacks and rubs? That silly grin is all excitement and anticipation. No one doubts there will be at least a few sneaky tickles. With so much soft fuzz, it will be impossible to hold back!
Lean on Me
This gal decided it was time to bring home doggie. Sometimes, it's just the missing piece in life. Here, it seems the feeling was mutual. A human was clearly missing from this pup's life, and he rests his little head on her shoulder to thank her back!

On social media, she explained the photo: ''Adopted this girl from the pound. She rode like this the whole way home''. It seems like she just wants to bond, right away. The magic of dogs cannot be overstated, no matter their origin — shelter or shop!
Bull Terrier BFF
Dogs are a worldwide phenomenon. In Italy, they are definitely part of the family! Rodrigo is the miniature bull terrier, seen here. The picture of his first drive home is a good introduction for him. Look at that grin and cuddle action!

On social media, he has a lot of fans. Around 10,000 people from all over the world follow his rescue story. These days, he spends even more time in the car. The family loves to travel, and he's happy to ride along!
Real Puppy Love
To the shelter no more, little pup! For the holiday season, one man decided to give himself a present. But as those things go, it's a two-way blessing. Here, on the car ride home, the little one looks up at dad. It's pure magic, and true love!

Maybe it's not so traditional. As the old song goes, ''On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me, a partridge in a pear tree.'' It's clear that this is a much better than a bird in a tree. It's a puppy in a lap! Can't be beat, sorry songwriters.
Donuts the Dog
It might sound silly, but someone thought it fit. Former shelter dog Donuts did have this name, and that's A-ok. He had bigger challenges on his mind: Donuts was old, deaf, and blind. And worse, he was diagnosed with cancer! Would anyone even consider taking him home?

It was a tricky sell, to be sure. But as destiny had it, someone fell in love. When Matt here visited the pound, he knew he was the right caretaker for this dog. Knowing their time together would limited, he prepared for the end with compassion. Not all heroes wear capes, as they say!
Luna is a Lover
Rescue pup Luna is just in bliss, in this first photo with her new best friend. It's finally time to say goodbye to that cold, lonely cage, and Luna is ready for love. Here, she cuddles up and relaxes. Bumps in the road can't get her down!

A moment like this is what pet adoption is all about. Shelter dogs appreciate their rescuers so, so much. While some people opt for designer dogs, others know there are plenty of virtues in a mutt. Unforgettable memories are ahead, for these two!
Coso the Cutie
Life is full of surprises, even in the animal world. This energetic fellow is more than a little bit excited to be leaving the building. In this touching moment, it seems like Coso the shlter pup knows he is headed for a new life. Waving his paws in the air, he jumps for joy!

As a wise person once said: ''Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.'' Overjoyed to know his new humans? Yes, that's definitely the case. And it looks like the feeling is mutual!
Rosie Goes Ruff
Every dog must have his day, as they say. In this case, Rosie the good girl is about to have hers! This photo shows the moment she understands she arrived home after a mysterious car ride. And she's pretty enthusiastic about the whole thing!

Anyone can see it: Mom completes her, and she completes mom. This is a cuddly couple destined for snuggly times. Holding Rosie in her lap might be a temporary activity, though. By the looks of it, there's going to be a real growth spurt, sooner than later!
Wiggles Get Her Wish
After a decade in the shelter, one rescue dog finally finds his happy ending. That dog is Wiggles, seen here. At 14 years old, many thought this day would never come. But life is full of twists and turns, and in this case — a new family!

Apparently, Wiggles did not get along well with other dogs. She was a tough cookie! Then, she developed a cancerous tumor. Oh no! There were many obstacles to gaining health and companionship, but it worked out this time against all odds. Congrats, Miss Wiggles!
Just Old Friends
Seniors don't always get out of the house like they used to. But sometimes, it can really motivate someone to have a new dog. Just the doo doo duty alone means a lot of walks, stretching and getting exercise in the great outdoors. It's good for everyone involved, truly!

Here, a sweet older lady found a cutie pie of her very own. It all happened at a special adoption fair at her neighborhood park. When she saw that little chinny chin chin, it was impossible to go home alone. A match made in doggy heaven, as anyone can see!
Finally Uncaged
Sometimes, there is a new leash on life. This is one of those times! After repressing so much young energy in a cage, this pooch finally gets to run free and stretch his paws. Riding home in the car is pretty meaningful, knowing better times are ahead!

Almost smiling in the passenger seat, isn't he? It's pretty relaxing to hang out on that pink blanket, set out just for his very first ride. Traffic jams can't get this dog down: He's already learned to be patient for so, so long!
Pablo Perks Up
While many shelter dogs are dropped off by their old owners who can't care for them anymore, plenty are found wandering the streets. This case was just that situation, for little Pablo. Scruffy and scared, he settled into his life in a cage. At least there was reliable food, right?

But wait! There was a surprise in store, and a second chapter in life. A warm and cozy home was the next destination after one family spotted this good boy. They took him right away, for a new lifestyle of luxury and love — exactly what he deserved!
Three Long Years
It's hard to believe, but some dogs end up spending years in a cage at the local pound. It's admirable that some facilities don't put any dogs down, as a policy. But that means they might spend a lot of time alone, and that's sad, too!

Good things sometimes come to those who wait, though. Capone the canine spent more than 1,100 days waiting for his new friends. But eventually, a foster family came through. Here they, relaxing like it was always meant to be. In the end, they stayed together forever!
Sister From Another Mister
One dog with a very human sounding name was all smiles on the day of his paperwork. A shelter post explained: ''Alex Watson was smiling all day like he knew he was getting adopted. His grin only widened when he was reunited with the forever mama he met this weekend. This time's for keeps!''

The pictures are pretty toothy, but that was part of the appeal. As many have observed over the years, a lot of owners look like their pets, conscious or not. Resemblance, or coincidence? This one is showing off her own pearly whites, too!
Double Trouble
Road trips are the absolute best. On spring break or just for fun, there is no end to adventure when there's a long road ahead and snacks in the trunk. Here, these two pups are taking their very first trip in the car. Where will they end up? It seems like they may already know the answer.

From cage to comfort, they seem to understand they have been chosen. All smiles, this photo was snapped just two hours after leaving the pound. It's amazing how validating adoption is right away, even for animals!
Cracking that Smile
As one dog lover once observed: “A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than you love yourself.” But it can be hard to test when the animal is locked away, in a tiny cement box. Here, a toothy pooch was adopted, and quickly showed an attitude of gratitude. Just look at that grin!

Life is completely different with a human to hug and hold. And lounging around on comfy blankets would make anyone smile, after a lifetime of sleeping on cold stone. Never again, says doggo!
Chance Gets a Chance
Sometimes the dog picks the owner, in its own special way. Chance the dog did exactly this, walking directly to his new human and sitting in his lap. Sometimes, everyone just knows. It was a done deal, and they headed home forever and ever!

They say that dogs can hear sounds that people can't detect, and have a powerful sense of smell thousands of times stronger than man. But is that all? Now irreplaceable in the home, this smart pup must have sensed a good match. Animals do have special intiuti0n, sometimes!
A Sweet, Lonely Boy
This little monster was waiting at the shelter for what seemed like an eternity. It's hard to believe that no one would pick him. This bulldog just a face that begs for snuggles! The shelter knew it, and they decided to post his ad online. Did the extra PR help?

Indeed, it did! Responses came roaring in. In fact, too many people wanted to meet him, all at once! The internet eventually brought in the right family. A photo caught him grinning instead of growling, as soon as he knew it was the real deal. They named him Frank the Tank, a perfect idea!
Those Puppy Eyes
Tucker the puppy was scooped up by a family prepared to spoil him rotten. By the looks of it, his previous life wasn't so pampering. It looks a bit sad and empty, really. But as the universe would have it, that would not be the case for long.

Photographic evidence shows the second he realized it was all over. Smile time! Collared up and enjoying his very own couch, things would never be the same. Bones, car trips, and bouncy balls were the new order of the day. Welcome to the good life, Tucker!
A Magical Week
For one adopted dog, things went from brutal to beautiful in a very short amount of time. Sadness was common for this boy, before it all changed. Unfortunately, he came from a bad house! Social media publicized the case, and that was the first step to his new life.

A foster family decided to take him in, and he quickly perked up. His update online read: “Meet Fluffycus Augustus Maximus Rex (working on that name). Exactly one week apart.” The humans fell in love, and now his grin is a daily event!
Floating Off to Dreamworld
This Australian Shepherd and Border Collie mix is a rescue dog with a lot of fans online. Maybe more than most humans trying to make it on social media, maybe! His family created a page for him, and more than 1,400 people follow the journey. What was this moment?

Why, it was the rescue! The caption explained it all: “One year ago we spontaneously got this little nugget and it was the best decision we ever made. Her sassy attitude and wiggly butt make us laugh every day. Happy adoption day Luna!” Happy anniversary, indeed!
Sleepy and Secure
There's nothing like the feeling of security to fall asleep, next to trusted friends. Here, this shelter pup does so for the first time in her life. Adoption can do that! When she wakes up, things are going to get more amazing by the minute.

But for now, it's okay to snooze. Off in doggy dreamworld, there is a lot going on, too. Giant bones, cats to chase around and around, and shoes to chew are all unlimited. Maybe there will be a few rules at home, but that hasn;t happened yet!
Jackson is Jubilant
In a forum about doggy adoption, one user shared a heartwarming photo. It was his brand new dog, and declared: “What a difference one day makes. Meet Jackson!” It's hard to believe this was all just a day apart, isn't it?

It's easy to get into a better mood after winning the lottery. Escaping a fenced in hell, that's basically what happened here! Rolling around with such obvious emotion must have been a joy for the owner. Their vibes just brighten up everyone else's, automatically. No wonder dogs are man's best friend!
Booker's First Ride
Meet Booker, seen here. One social media user decided to share his experience with the rescue dog. He explained the adorable image: "I’d like to share the very first picture I ever took of Booker…This was the car ride home...I think I was smiling wider than he was that day.”

Undoubtedly, this was a good move. New day, new puppy. New adventures and snuggles, too! Dogs only stay puppies for around a year, though. Remember to take photos for the family — and treasure the magic, while it lasts!
Lost and Found
Somtimes, a shelter mananges to reunite dogs with their original owners. This is the moment that one dark doggy realized he was a good boy back in good hands. A nice man found him and brought him to an NYPD station. The police brought him to the pound. And then, his family returned!

The shelter explained on social media: ''Baby is one spunky 11 year Labrador and didn’t really want to pose for a picture as he just wanted to jump around and go back home with his family who were very happy to have him safely back.'' Happy endings are the best!
Family is Forever
Today a dog with a regal name found his family, finally. The shelter posted the photo online: ''Looks like Edison Latimer got his Christmas wish after all—even if it was just a little late—because he found his forever home!'' Vocalizing delight, he seems to know it!

Confined living is nothing to howl at the moon about, most of the time. But something was different today on Xmas. Freedom was just on the horizon. Led out of the cage once and for all, this pooch was unable to hold back!