Of course, some people just don’t have an excuse. They act entitled all the time, and they don’t care in the slightest if they put other people out. As you explore the photos and stories in this article, you will find a mixture of both of these kinds of people. It’s up to you to decide if you think they’re acting entitled or simply trying to make it through a difficult day.
Act Unaware
Some people want to have more space for themselves, and that’s perfectly understandable. There are days when we just want to be left alone so we can think, but this is just not warranted when riding on public transportation.

This woman set her bag on the bus chair, ensuring none of her fellow commuters could take a seat. She then tinkered with her phone to avoid the sharp stares and appear busy. The old man standing next to her must have been making her feel guilty.
Cardiac Delight
After a long day in the office, a quick stopover at the neighborhood grocery store sounds good, especially if you go home with a bunch of comfort food.

Then, you find out that someone is taking home all the bacon. They even have the audacity to act pompously and brag about the fact that no one else will get to enjoy any meat. A quick glance at this couple’s cart signals a cardiac delight waiting to happen.
Self-Entitled Teen
Many families out there are struggling to make ends meet, with parents breaking their backs to put food on the table and pay the bills that keep on coming. In such circumstances, posting something like this is just way too insensitive.

A little “thank you” for your mom’s present would have been nice, even if they’re not the exact type of AirPods you asked for. This post is really sad, even if it was only meant as a joke. We hope this mom got some appreciation for her generosity.
Fighting for Your Grades
Teachers can only do so much for their students. They are like bridges, helping them get to where they want to be in their field of interest. However, as students, we must put the work in and take responsibility for the results we achieve and how they affect our goals.

In most cases, the last thing a student should do is cast the blame for their failures on the school or its teachers. Behaving in such a way, regardless of what marks you got in class, just shows you haven’t learned much about what matters most in life.
Food for the Hungry
Buffets do not allow customers to take their food home, and servers often remind us to take only what we can consume. This is not news, and that’s why the mere sight of this mess of a table evokes criticism.

This is such a waste of food, especially if one looks at it from the perspective of the many homeless and hungry in our society. What we see on the table here could have been vital nourishment for so many people. What excuse could there be for leaving it to be dumped in the bin?
Stock Up
There must be a valid reason for anyone to purchase so much toilet paper in one go. At least, that’s what you may want to think to justify what you see in this picture. It’s not just one person who has hoarded so many rolls. The shelves behind this cart are almost empty.

Just how much toilet paper can a household use in a week? It looks like this filled-up cart is good enough to last well into a zombie apocalypse. The worst part is that they took so much when they could see that the shelves were nearly empty.
You Scratch It, You Buy It
It’s similar to the American expression that if you break it, you buy it. Except this involves the scratching of an overly expensive BMW automobile by a spoiled son in an attempt to trap his father into a purchase under the Pottery Barn rule.

Comparing a broken pot to a scratched BMW is quite a stretch. What was the son thinking? It must be tough being a parent, and we hope the dad didn’t cave and purchase the car.
Littering on the Plane
This woman is mindlessly throwing crumbs on the floor as she reads. She’s acting like it’s her own room, apparently not caring at all about how other passengers might be affected by the mess.

One can only imagine how her room looks if she behaves this way on an aircraft full of people. Perhaps her mom is sitting next to her and the young lady assumes she will clean up her mess.
Service Beyond Closing Time
The call for last orders had been announced an hour ago, and the staff hastened with their clean-up, ready to get back home to their families. However, two customers remained at their table unhurried, reading and jotting things down in a journal.

The waiters have to be back at work the following day and feel they aren’t spending enough time with loved ones. They love their jobs and don’t want to be rude, but someone needs to tell these customers that the time to leave has passed.
Personal Privacy Breached
It’s called airplane etiquette. Rules are made so travelers can enjoy some privacy, even in a crowd. They’re also in place so potential disagreements over armrest ownership, for example, can be avoided. However, some people are too dense to even care about other people’s comfort.

No wonder so many squabbles are reported during flights. Indeed, some cabin crews are now taking self-defense lessons. Passengers need to make use of their own space and not sprawl out like this. If you need more legroom, you can book seats that will give it to you.
Dead Fish to Go
Even serving fish and chips wrapped in newspapers is rarely practiced nowadays as we have more hygienic paper wraps at our disposal. However, this guy here has decided to commute with a whole dead fish in hand.

Mid-Flight Exercises
Long-haul flights are known to be tough on the body, especially when combined with a lack of proper sleep and the odd effects of crossing different time zones. There are exercises you can do to counteract the effects of sitting for so long, but the woman in the picture below took things a bit too far.

It surely stinks, and we hate to think what may be pooling beneath it on the floor, but he looks unabashed and even a tad proud. It does not seem to matter to him at all that the handrails or seats might be smeared with fishy residue.
On-Board Umbrella
This woman decided to remain mysterious behind the shade of her pink umbrella, and she looks cute with her pink tights and matching pink shoes. No rain is expected later in the day (and never on board a train), but it’s not such a bad thing to seek some privacy with an umbrella.

If only she were sitting in the middle of a green meadow with a white cat under the shade of some trees. Instead, she is occupying three spots that could give some other passengers a break from standing.
Vandalism Is Illegal
They could be related or just perfect strangers who have inadvertently come to share ideas after a short chat on the sidewalk. Perhaps this was an accidental encounter that could lead to a lasting friendship.

Whatever both of them are up to, and despite how innocent they may appear, spray-painting public walls is still illegal. Even if the kid is merely scribbling his grandma’s initials, this is a punishable offense when done without permission.
Breaking the Rules for a Photograph
Social media reveals how people have become hungry for attention in the form of likes, retweets, and shares. Attention online could lead to more exposure and subsequent followers. This clout chasing has gotten so out of hand that people are willing to post all sorts of things, breaking the rules while they’re at it.

This lady deliberately ignored the sign in place for the protection of the coastline. Not only did she risk being caught breaking the rules, but she’s making an accomplice out of the child-photographer. On top of all of that, she’s shown a complete disregard for the environment. The likes just aren’t worth it!
Delusions of Grandeur
No, this request does not make any sense at all. Nor do the delusions of grandeur this student clearly has. How out of touch would you have to be to think a photographer would want to pay you in order to provide you with a service?

Imagine how annoying it would be for a photographer who spent time and money mastering their craft to be asked to provide a valuable service at their own expense.
Hoarding with Plans to Resell
Since the pandemic, it seems toilet paper has become a prized commodity, with people even fighting each other in the aisles over it. Some have taken this ridiculous situation even further by hoarding stockpiles of it with devious intentions in mind.

Imagine how annoying it would be for a photographer who spent time and money mastering their craft to be asked to provide a valuable service at their own expense.
Reporting a Social Occasion
Someone left off the invite list decided to call the cops about a social event, insisting on calling it a violation. Envious much? Of course, in pandemic times, it’s understandable for people to worry about their neighbors having large gatherings.

However, this event didn’t constitute a violation of the rules in that specific area. No wonder law enforcement told Karen there was nothing they could do to act on her complaint.
Two Men Left Out
These two guys must feel the competition to find a good romantic partner is getting tough enough as it is. What gets their goat is how two female best friends have decided to become more than that. Indeed, they are soon-to-be wives.

Relationships are not simply about a man being complimented by a woman, having no regard for psychological and emotional compatibility. It’s so much more than that, and love should always triumph over outdated ideas of marriage inequality.
Know Your Place
This group of friends was excited about being together in a neighborhood they had not visited in a long time. There was much catching up to do and pictures to take, but then they were almost hit by a group of cyclists.

They only had themselves to blame for standing on the road and blocking a lane with their car. If not cyclists, it would have been something else. In short, they had it coming.
The Secret Is in the Sauce
This lady demanded that the McDonald’s crew give her more dipping sauce, and she became incensed when they thought she was demanding too much. She was acting as if the sauce were a drug, much to the confusion of those waiting on her.

Things got out of hand, and she threatened to rob the McDonald’s store if they didn’t act upon her demands. Rob them of what, more sauce? What’s the secret ingredient that drives her mad?
Understanding Disability Access Symbols
The wheelchair symbol does not imply that anyone in a wheeled vehicle can park there. It is there to make sure those with limited mobility get priority access to shops, bathrooms, and in this particular scenario, a diner.

The driver of this pickup is having none of that, and they’ve taken their entitled behavior to the next level by taking up not one but two disabled spots. We hope they were punished for this offense.
Envious of Someone’s Art
This charcoal art reproduction of a carriage drawn by a white horse is reminiscent of the 1880s when this form of transportation was used. It is a beautiful work of art, but someone clearly thought they could do better.

We can see that it was carefully crafted, and the art itself is delightful and refined, except where it has been vandalized and the people defaced. Now, the main impact of this wall is to remind us all that some people just don’t think the rules of society apply to them.
Connectivity Is Life
Nowadays, it’s hard to imagine living a life without the internet. This would be tantamount to being isolated from the world in general. There must be at least a mobile data connection so you can be linked to society.

It would be terrible to be stuck in a place with a dead battery and no net service, but there are levels to our problems. A dead battery can be easily attended to. Getting stabbed would be a different story entirely.
Target Practice
Believe it or not, most of the time boys don’t want to miss their mark when peeing. Perhaps the trick is not to reprimand them for the yellow dollops on the throne but to remind them to simply lift the seat up.

Good luck with those reminders. The best trick is to keep the lid down all the time so boys would have no choice but to lift it up along with the seat before they can pee. There’s a hack for all the frustrated moms and partners of men who can’t aim!
Postal workers have a lot to keep up with each day. There are thousands of letters, packages, and boxes of different sizes at the back of the truck waiting to be handed over to their owners, many of whom are impatient after looking forward to the delivery for days.

Imagine eagerly running out to the porch to collect your long-awaited package, only to find that the postal worker carelessly left it at the front door like this. We hope that package was worth it.
War Zone
Kids often have a hard time deciding what they want in massive toy stores as they get distracted by all the playhouses, dinosaurs, superheroes, cars, puzzles, aliens, and the list goes on.

All these things are too much to take in at once for growing minds. However, it’s not okay that this family decided to take everything down to test it out. They’ve left a disaster zone for those who have to do the cleaning up.
The Softest Seat
Some people take a while to finish their grocery shopping. To avoid delays, it’s best to prepare a list at home of all the things you need or do it on a scheduled weekly basis. The longer the shopping trip takes, the more likely you are to become annoyed with your family for dragging their feet.

Tired of walking along the aisles and dealing with the indecision of the other members of your household? Though you may wish to take a seat, do not follow this shopper’s example. That bread will be unsellable now, and there’s no excuse for ruining food like that.
Parking at the Podium
Finding a parking spot is always a challenge when living in big cities, and this becomes a major daily stressor for those who already have so much to deal with at home and at work. With sales quotas to meet and finances to keep in the black, we can understand the desperation of this driver, but they still went too far.

Don’t make a podium out of somebody’s steps as if it were built for automobiles. This is dangerous, and whoever owns this house will have to use the back door because of the obstruction.
Foot Rest
It is a common experience to brush against the odd person here and there when traveling. Whether you’re on a train, bus, or plane, the compactness of the vessel and the number of people onboard make it practically unavoidable. However, this is just ridiculous.

Imagine reclining your seat and the hook of your arm touches the bare sole of someone else’s foot. It is understandable that our feet need a rest at some point, but please keep your toes away from other passengers and their personal space.
Half the Price
We often find great buys at discount stores where they offer slightly damaged goods on sale. There are jeans that have tiny holes, unnoticeable at a glance, shirts with faint misprints, and fabric overruns.

This woman attempted to buy this cake at a discount too, but the problem with it wasn’t due to a manufacturing error. Hot tip: don’t try to claim that you had nothing to do with the cake being half-eaten if you have frosting smudged all over your face.
Proper Use of Bicycle Rack
Bicycle stands are commonly found in commercial areas and parks, and they are useful for being able to secure many bikes at once, giving people peace of mind that their ride will be there when they return.

More people use bicycles nowadays as they want to save money while doing their part for the environment. However, one must know how to properly use a bike rack. These two bike riders seem to think this rack is an exclusive spot for VIPs only. It is designed to accommodate multiple bikes, but no more can fit now thanks to these two.
An Inconvenient Convenience Store
Thanks to convenience stores that are now mostly found on neighborhood corners, people don’t have to drive far just to pick up the odd grocery item like milk or coffee. In many, you can even do wire transfers and other useful transactions.

Sadly, some people fail to appreciate their service and purpose. Some feel so self-important that they treat store employees badly for no reason, harass other customers, and disregard simple rules. That’s a convenience store inconvenience, and it’s bad for business.
Fruit Schemes
Some consumers may feel they’re becoming paranoid about the things they buy from grocery stores. However, this goes to show that those hunches aren’t all baseless. Some stores tamper with product packaging, and we have all fallen prey to the dastardly trick shown in the picture below.

This apple’s rotten spot was covered up by a price sticker so it appears unmarked and fresh. There’s no harm in double-checking when purchasing something. It’s just sad when you realize the true decay is in the values of whoever did this.
Clean as You Go
People at popular coffee shops like Starbucks wait on their orders with eager anticipation, expecting their names to be called out any minute. It would be nice if we could all dispose of our cups with as eagerness as we have for the beverages they contain.

Sadly, Judy thinks putting her cup atop the bin is sufficient, and we hope others won’t follow her example. She got it so close to the right spot! However, by leaving it on top of the trash can, the risk of it blowing away and becoming litter is high.
Just Passing Through
The sign was put up for an obvious purpose, right in front of the bed of flowers, so tourists are instantly notified and the flora is protected. However, one entitled woman just passed through in utter disregard of the rules to take pictures.

Her sense of self-entitlement infuriated the other visitors who all respected the beauty of the place. If everyone acted like this woman, the flowers would be ruined in a day.
Misplaced Beef
One of the first things you appreciate about a well-designed grocery store is the organization. All products are separated into logical categories, and everything is easy to find. That’s until some shoppers come in and start changing their minds about what to buy.

It’s one thing to change your mind about a packet of cookies and leave it in the candy aisle. However, if you’ve changed your mind about a product that requires refrigeration, it’s even more important to do the right thing and take it back where it belongs.
Panic Buying
It certainly helps to go grocery shopping well prepared. It’s good practice to have a list of things to buy or at least a clear idea of what you’ll need over the coming weeks.

Whatever the reason for panic buying, the result is often an insane amount of wastage, and none of it improves anyone’s situation. It’s a lose-lose scenario. Look at how much mess the store employees have to deal with.
Bear Facts
The mere thought of having intruders entering your backyard can make you feel threatened. However, in this case, you would be able to enjoy watching them take a dip in the pool. Just be sure to watch from a distance!

Bears can be curious, and they love to explore new surroundings. They like play-fighting to burn off their excess energy, and who doesn’t like to wallow in the pool on a hot summer’s day?
First Time Away from Home
Some people are lucky enough to earn a college degree despite the many challenges it poses, from financial difficulties to identifying one’s interests. Some are even blessed with academic prowess and are able to obtain more specialized graduate degrees that undoubtedly unlock promising career opportunities.

One thing we didn’t expect is this guy’s lack of practical intelligence. His entitled laundry demands are crazy. He genuinely expects the world to cater to his needs the way his maid did. It just doesn’t work that way, you know?
First World Problems
We are pretty sure that there are many pressing problems out there in various parts of the world that need an immediate and adequate response. World hunger is high on that list, along with ending large-scale conflicts and saving our environment. These things seriously need looking into.

This guy thinks his lost AirPods should be a higher priority. He thinks charity is all about ensuring he doesn’t get laughed at for using wired earphones. Only once this problem has been solved can he worry about the world at large.
Gold Digger in the Making
Ideal relationships are mutually beneficial. Both people support each other in becoming better people who are kinder, more loving, and more successful in the areas that matter in life. Finding the right person could mean discovering many good qualities we had no idea we possessed and realizing that we can see ourselves in our partners too.

Couples must be honest with each other and forthright when it matters. Unfortunately, this girl couldn’t handle her crush’s practicality. It shattered her princess-like illusion that she should just be given whatever she wants.
Dormant Status
There are days when we may feel as disconnected as an uncharged smartphone. The boredom becomes too heavy to handle, like baggage on your shoulders, until you realize that you can always try doing something new.

Remind yourself that many would fight for what you have, so start counting your blessings. Fill that emptiness inside with resilience and a renewed childlike curiosity about life.
No Joy Here
Unless what you have in your hand is a new and exciting device, it’s best to keep your smartphone use to a minimum. After a while, the endless notifications detract from your quality of life. A useful tip is to go into your phone’s notification center and turn off notifications from anything that isn’t necessary.

For many people, anxiety increases every time someone calls when they could just send a message you can read and reply to on your own terms. If you can help it, just switch your phone on silent mode for some quality time after work.
Paranoia Unlimited
Since the outbreak of the pandemic, the value of services and commodities has leaped around quite a bit. Some plane ticket prices have dropped significantly, while others have shot up dramatically.

Some tour packages have never been this cheap for those who are willing to take the risk. Where countries have opened their borders, you can now go on trips you’ve always wanted to take. However, there’s a catch. You and your fellow passengers are exposed to an extra level of risk.
These People Got Exposed For Behaving Badly in Public
Good manners should be taught from an early age. Both parents and teachers have a shared responsibility to teach children respect and courtesy. Their difficult task involves molding children to become upright individuals as they grow up, whether at home or at school. It begins with bringing simple terms like ‘thank you’ and ‘please’ into their daily conversations. From there, they should learn to be nice to neighbors and clean up after themselves.

Unfortunately, some people make it into adulthood without learning enough about basic good behavior. Such people aren’t shy about being rude, disrespectful, or trashy in public. However, in the age of smartphones and social media, their poor behavior is being shared with the world as a warning to others that bad manners aren’t tolerated by everyone in society. Read on to meet some of the worst offenders.
Eat faster
Would you rather not enjoy your breakfast or get shoved off your table? Well, Brandon here experienced both. Thanks to a “lovely young woman” who felt entitled to take his seat with her friend.

Who needs table reservation when you can just tell people to finish their food faster, right? Busy restaurants can only provide so much seating for customers. If you want to grab a nice bite with a friend, make sure to allow others to enjoy theirs.
The definition of self-centered
We are not sure what this woman was trying to protect. Was it her jeans or her knees? Either way, she did it at the expense of those bread loaves. We can’t imagine having the nerve to grab two perfectly good loaves of bread and ruin them like this for our own selfish needs.

Because of what she did, the store can no longer sell those loaves. She did not even bother putting them back on the shelf. What a perfect way to show how self-centered she is.
Thanks for the ‘tip’
Tips are not required but are highly appreciated in restaurants. People can tip by giving cash directly to the server or by just leaving it on the table. However, we do not understand the need to make a trap like this.

No decent human would do this. Servers already have a lot of cleaning to do, so while this may seem funny, it’s a poor excuse for a practical joke. This tip trick doesn’t add up. It is not funny at all.
It’s the cost that counts
Getting invited to weddings is one of the best feelings ever. You get to witness the most wonderful moment in a couple’s life and celebrate with them. Everything seems beautifully romantic until you get a string of messages like the ones captured below.

Asking for presents is already somewhat impolite. Couples should let guests give gifts voluntarily. Setting a price tag takes the rudeness to a whole new level. You can expect fewer people to come to your wedding if demands like this are imposed.
Of hygiene and manners
Popping zits at home is never a good idea. Dermatologists and beauty experts have long emphasized this. Extractions should be done professionally in a clinic, not at home. Of course, that advice doesn’t mean you’re free to do it on a plane.

Your fellow passengers shouldn’t have to see you do that. Not only is it impolite, but it is also incredibly unhygienic. It’s better to just leave your face alone while on a plane. This applies to any public transportation.
Trash shelves?
Since when did store shelves become garbage cans? This Starbucks drink obviously does not belong on this shelf, but a random person placed it here. It is not a good look for the store, and it’s bothersome for other customers.

Some customers put items on different shelves, which is sort of tolerable. Using shelves as a trash can, however, is unacceptable. If you can’t find a proper trash can in the store, have the decency to hold onto your trash until you leave.
One-star rating
Online reviews can make or break a business. Other customers often go for companies with great ratings and feedback rather than those with poor ones. In this Google business guide, a customer’s rant went overboard.

This entitled customer rated the business with one star, but the owner did not hesitate to defend his team. As it turned out, there was a hurricane battering the area, and it was not safe to open the business let alone do house calls.
Fashion fail
The picture below proves how rude people can get. This is a clothing store section, and almost all items are scattered on the floor. This is all thanks to inconsiderate customers who pulled them from the racks and did not bother putting them back.

What a sight to behold for the employees. In a rush? It does not take a minute for you to put an item back in its place. Some people need to try working in a clothing store so they can realize how hard it gets when customers are disrespectful.
The available seat
The tweet below slams the young girls in the photo for not letting the elderly woman taking the selfie have a seat on the bus. It does not make any sense, though, because there is an empty seat right behind her.

While this woman thought she would be seen as the one exposing bad manners, it’s clear that the truth is a little different. If you are going to post about your issues online, make sure you’re being reasonable.
A post for a discount
Some so-called social media influencers are getting out of hand. Imagine being rated with one star for not giving a free meal in exchange for an Instagram post? That is exactly what happened to this restaurant.

Despite the good food, this entitled “influencer” shamed the business for not giving her a discount, calling it poor customer service and cheap management. This is why some restaurants now have signs saying “influencers pay double.”
Displayed diapers
Sure, trips with babies are no easy feat for a parent. Babies do not hesitate to make a mess in their diapers whenever they feel the need, even in a clothing store. This mother took things a bit far, though, by changing her baby’s diaper on a display table.

Malls and even department stores generally have restrooms, and most have special sections for changing babies. This should be common knowledge. There is always a right place for everything.
Nail polish vandal
Here is another frustrating scenario to look at. We feel sorry for the store assistant. Some random people left this mess in the nail polish section. What a great way to show consideration for the workers and the shop itself.

Trying out testers is fine, but spilling products all over the counter is not. These items obviously are not sellable anymore, and the shelf probably needs to be cleaned thoroughly, or worse, replaced. Whoever did this needs to relearn good manners.
Whining over chocolates
Spoiled children can be so annoying. They need to be taught basic manners, but if you’re not their parent or teacher, there’s little you can do about it. Every now and then, however, life gives you the opportunity to teach a kid a lesson.

Simple things like a chocolate bar can bring the worst out of a spoiled kid. In this case, we’d say the person who bought the chocolate bars was being a little petty, but we fully support their actions. Sometimes pettiness is called for!
Would you buy these avocados?
This woman probably got tired and couldn’t find a bench to sit on. Perhaps grocery stores need to install seating so things like this don’t ever happen again.

Of all the things she could’ve sat on, this woman chose avocados. Even if she hasn’t squashed and bruised them, would anyone want to eat fruit that some random stranger has sat on? This is a good reminder to always wash your fresh produce!
Scene stealer
We previously mentioned that a wedding is the most special day in a couple’s life. However, this newly engaged woman is no longer sure what her wedding day is going to look like. Her future mother-in-law has decided to jump in and steal the scene.

We do not understand the groom’s mother at all. Why would you want to steal the spotlight from your son? And wouldn’t it already be a special day for you to see your child take such a big step?
Untimely manicure
Of all places, the person in the picture below decided to cut his fingernails on a plane before it took off. This is such a weird, gross, and inconsiderate thing to do on public transportation.

Clippers and other sharp objects aren’t allowed on a plane, so we cannot help but wonder how this passenger got on with them in his pocket. Is he just letting the clipped nails fall on the ground? We feel sorry for the passengers next to him.
Someone took the “dumpster fire” concept too far
The picture below shows how a lump of hot coal burnt a certain resident’s garbage bin. Some rude people probably enjoyed a barbeque but were too lazy to wait for their coal to cool down before disposing of it.

Someone’s innocent trash bin just got ruined by these inconsiderate neighbors. How would they feel if the same thing happened to them? For sure, they would not be happy. A little discipline would not hurt.
Childish behavior
The picture below is wild. If you’re looking for a way to ruin a restaurant worker’s day, this is it – mindlessly throw your trash on the floor so others have to clean up after you.

Is it that hard to collect your own rubbish and pop it in the trash can? The worker who posted this might have already spent a whole day cleaning. This man needs some schooling on manners.
Keeping the doors open
This woman seems to be so busy with an important phone call that she caused other people inconvenience. Though some calls can be distracting, surely she would’ve noticed the icy weather she was bringing into the store?

It was freezing outside the establishment, but she kept the automatic doors open while absentmindedly standing in front of them. It seems she didn't even notice the cold, but everyone else sure did.
Instagram “celebrity”
Some celebrities have a reputation for being rude and having diva attitudes. With the rise of social media influencers, this type of behavior seems to be escalating.

No one is entitled to be rude to others. It seems this rude influencer’s card decided to teach her a lesson by declining a tiny transaction and embarrassing her. This goes to show that, no matter what your follower count looks like, you need to learn manners.
Maneuvering your car on the road requires control and focus on your end. Whether you have been driving for a long time or not, it should be common sense not to run over wet cement with visible barriers.

A good driver knows how to follow rules and avoid causing inconvenience to other people. In this case, the car’s wheels destroyed the fresh cement. This driver could use a road rule refresher course with some training in basic courtesy thrown in.
Ring for attention
We all know how busy restaurants can get. Some servers have to juggle multiple tasks at a time just to attend to every customer’s needs. If we see this, we need to be a little patient and considerate.

The lady above brought her own bell to make sure she could always get the server’s attention. If this is not rude, then we don’t know what is. Not only is she being rude to the waiter, but she’s also being disrespectful to other customers.
That’s not a footrest
Most people who take public transportation have gone through a long, tiring day. Some have to work on their feet for hours, so sitting comfortably is a luxury. Though they should certainly be able to relax, the person below has taken it a little too far.

It is never polite to rest your feet on another seat. Have consideration for the next passenger who will have to sit there. No matter how tired your feet are, do not treat public seating as though it’s your own sofa or bed.
The freeloading coworker
It’s not every day that someone treats you and pays for your meal. When things like this do occur, some folks are all too eager to take advantage of other people’s kindness. The tweet below is a perfect example.

Some people really need to be given a reminder of what courtesy looks like. In situations like this, one should never order the most expensive dish on the menu. Nothing is actually free when someone offers to pay on your behalf.
Tried and tested (but not in a good way)
The dog brush below screams next-level rudeness. A random owner tried it on their pet, which explains the fur stuck on it. Since we are talking about impolite people, it should come as no surprise that the owner did not buy the comb.

Instead, the customer put it back on the shelf as if it would clean itself. This is too bad for the store owner as they can no longer sell it. The pet owner obviously did not like the item, but is there a need to be rude?
Out of order
Finding a full roll of toilet paper in a public toilet is always such a relief. We know the fear of running out of it, so we try our best to conserve what’s there. The person responsible for the mess below clearly doesn’t feel the same way.

Aside from wasting the restroom’s toilet paper, the previous occupant did not even bother cleaning up after themselves. Others cannot use the cubicle now. This list just gets worse and worse!
Selfish parking habits
It is obvious what is wrong with this scenario. This father and son cannot access the wheelchair ramp because another vehicle has parked where they’re not meant to park. There’s a reason why you’ll find blocked-off space beside handicapped parking spots. This is it.

The driver of the silver vehicle has clearly violated the rules and caused inconvenience to this man and his child. They need to learn more about parking signs and start showing more respect to other people.
Birds are natural singers
Nothing is more annoying than people who think there is a need to make an issue about everything. This mother and daughter seem to have forgotten that birds sing in the morning. There is nothing to complain about.

How could you make a fuss over birds while camping? The site managers surely have far more important things to think about. What this lady expected them to do about the birdsong is beyond us.
We are having a hard time thinking of a decent reason why a random customer did such a horrible thing. This cap was just minding its own business. No one else is going to want it now with gum stuck into it.

Perhaps the culprit likes it and wants to come back for it. Even if this were the case, it is never okay to stick gum on something that’s not yours. Other customers could have bought it and enjoyed wearing it.
Closing time
Entitled people seem to love dishing out the one-star ratings. Here’s yet another hilarious encounter with an unreasonable customer. This girl complained to the pet shop about them not remaining open after hours for her to come in and browse.

This is a good sign that you are a rude person. Next time, check the clock so the shop can properly address your pet’s needs. If you had arrived two hours earlier, they could have welcomed you.
Anything for the feed
Social media can bring the best or the worst out of people. Take this couple for instance. They went the extra mile to take a nice picture for Instagram. However, it only takes a second to spot what’s wrong with this image.

This shrine in Kyoto was off-limits as it had been hit by a strong typhoon. That explains the barrier, which the couple chose to ignore. Just imagine if something had fallen and harmed the woman.
Toy store fiasco
All parents know how messy kids can get. The two adults here do not seem to have control over their children. This is so inconvenient for other customers, and we can only imagine how the poor employees are feeling.

This photo is chaotic. The parents are more annoying than the kids. It probably takes hours to assemble all the toys on their respective shelves, and it will definitely take the store assistants a long time to fix everything.
It’s not always the kids
Many diners and bars provide games for customers to enjoy. They include board and card games free of charge. However, this photo will make some owners think twice about doing the same thing.

Unfortunately, there are far too many immature adults who lack discipline and respect. Businesses spend money on these games. These people make it look like it’s hard to take good care of games when the truth is, it’s not. All it takes is respect.
Critical road
Some people are worse than you could ever imagine. The badly-parked white car in this picture has just hindered paramedics on their way to the emergency helicopter. To say that this is selfish behavior would be an understatement.

In life and death situations, the last thing you need is to encounter rude people. It’s so obvious that this is not an okay place to park, yet the driver of the white car valued their own needs over the safety of others.
Dramatic yoga
The woman in the picture is Hilaria Baldwin, wife of Alec Baldwin. Aside from being a podcast author, she is also a yoga teacher. However, we think that a plane is never the right place to exhibit yoga poses.

She seemed proud of what she did when she tweeted this photo. She even thanked her fellow passengers and referred to them as “yoga buddies.” Based on their expressions, however, it’s clear that they are uncomfortable with what she is doing.
Entitled wife
This military spouse adds a whole lot of heat to this list of annoying individuals. She thinks she deserves free drinks for being the wife of a serviceman. We understand how hard it can get for her, but we beg to disagree with her behavior.

Other people, like those in the restaurant’s management, may experience hardships too. Her over-the-top request is so unreasonable, it even looks like she married a military person just to use it to ask for ridiculous privileges like this.
Plants vs. parcels
Shopping online is one of the most convenient things ever. You get to buy anything you want from the comfort of your home. Place your order, and it will be delivered to your doorstep. Just hope that the delivery person doesn’t destroy your dear plants.

Some couriers are absentminded and seem to place packages wherever they happen to land. We do not understand why these innocent flowers had to be treated this way. No matter how much of a hurry they’re in, couriers should always be considerate.
Borrowing issues
We’ll never know where people like this get their sense of entitlement. Letting friends borrow your stuff is normal, but it should come with limits. This so-called “friend” needs to relearn the definition of friendship.

Based on the conversation above, this “friend” took the headphones without permission, mocked their value, and told the owner to just ask for another pair from the person who was so generous with them. Real friends don’t behave this way.
Whose fault?
The author of this tweet, Ms. Fischer, received a complaint that her car was blocking someone in the parking area. She went down from her office to address the issue, only to deal with this rude man below.

His car is the black one, and it is obvious who’s really in the wrong. He’s the one who parked over the line, but he’s too prideful to admit his mistake. Why not just climb in through the other side?