Did you use to enjoy keeping a journal and would you best pick it up again? If it didn't take up so much time...
You don't have to pen pages full every day. There are several ways to keep a journal quickly!

One line a day
The book One line a day gives you five years of space to write about your day in one sentence. There are different variants, for example, there is a special booklet for mothers or one to write about your lifestyle.
One question a day
If you find it difficult to write about your day out of the blue, you can use A Question a Day. Each day you will be given a question to answer for five years. That way you can see at a glance how you and your life are changing.

In the app Daylio, you can indicate each day how you feel and what you did. That way you can make a connection between how you feel and what you do. For example, do you feel better if you went outside that day? Daylio gives you insight. You can also take notes on the day, that way it becomes a micro diary, as Daylio itself calls it.
One second everyday
Do you enjoy playing around with images? The app One second everyday lets you film a second every day and sticks the fragments together for you. At the end of the month (or year) you have a nice compilation of your life.