Go through all of the problems that you can face physically, and poor balance is pretty high on the list. If your balance is off, then you can find that even basic day-to-day tasks become needlessly challenging. Poor balance can lead to more injuries, a lower quality of life, and more serious issues down the line. Want to resolve the issue? Try taking on the following balance-building exercises.

One of the best exercises that you can do to build up balance is to take up squats. Squats build up your glutes as well, so it is good for working on some key parts of the body. Squats can be done anywhere you need to find a bit of extra space. Start this simple exercise by opening your legs, keeping your toes facing forward, and then keeping your hands and back straight. Lower hips towards the ground, maintain position, reset, and repeat. Simple!

One leg balance
A common issue for those with balance troubles is that the balance is mostly on one leg. The best way to solve that issue is to carry out a simple one-leg balance stretch. To do this you lift your other leg, or pull it up towards the small of your back, and put all of your balance onto the other leg. You will wobble around at first, but if you can hold this for 10-20 seconds and repeat you will feel the benefits in no time.
Toe balances
A great way to build balance, too, is to use your toes. Many of us do not realize how effective our balance can become when we get used to balancing on just our toes. This is carried out by holding onto anything you can, such as a wall or a pole, and then raising your heels off the ground whilst keeping your toes flat to the ground. Hold this for as long as you can, relax, repeat, and keep doing this. Your body will become more used to balancing on a smaller surface, making day-to-day balancing easier to simply get right.