According to a number of psychologists, this is the effect of a lazy day where you parade around in your pajamas all day at home.

Pajama day
Of course, there is nothing wrong with a lazy pajama day. Especially on the weekends, it is sometimes nice not to have to do anything and to spend the whole day in your most comfortable pajamas. However, it is helpful if you do not have anything planned for the day or if you have a to-do list to complete. If you do, wearing pajamas may get in the way of your motivation. Your subconscious will associate pajamas with relaxation and sleep. Not very convenient if, for example, you still have to write a thesis or prepare for a meeting. You may find that you become slower in your actions. Research also shows that your choice of clothing determines your attitude. This is why it is important to look well-groomed during an online meeting. This makes you feel more productive and this, in turn, is good for your self-confidence.

Work and sleep
Another also shows that the clothes you wear affect your feelings about your work. For example, you feel more capable and experience more self-confidence if you wear an outfit you feel comfortable and confident in. In addition, wearing pajamas can disrupt your sleep rhythm. Your biological clock may get a little off, leaving you staring at the ceiling from bed for hours after a pajama day.