As we approach the fall season, many of us are finding ourselves reviewing our life choices up to this point. Winter is often a time when we focus on the people we love and the people that we wish to be with. However, while you might still be looking for your soulmate, you can take inspiration from the animal species who find one mate and stick together for life, like the following animals.

Beavers are a species that many of us do not know much about, but their loyalty to one another is well-known. They live with their parents during early life, and then leave the nest and find a partner. When a partner is found, they stick together for the rest of their lives.
Interestingly, though, North American beavers tend to be a touch more, shall we say, explorative with their relationship status. Primarily, though, they stick together permanently!
The humble goose is another animal that sticks together with its partner for all of its life. Once in a partnership, if one of the geese falls ill the other will not leave their side if possible. Even if the flock leaves, they stick together forever. They also do not move on to find another partner when the other one dies. They remain widows, or widowers until they die themselves. That is romantic, showing their extreme love for one another.

Another animal type that breeds with one mate for its lifespan includes the humble wolf. Wolves hunt in packs, but they stay with just one mate for their entire existence. They remain with each other until death. However, somewhat depressingly, they will quickly move on to find a new mate if the other one dies off young or is killed.
That is a somewhat less romantic conclusion, but it is awesome they stick together.
Going back underwater, the seahorse is another aquatic creature with a lifelong love. They mate for life with their partner, albeit seahorses are known to have pretty short lifespans. They meet by seducing one another with an adorable little dance, twisting their tails alongside one another.
Females will compete with one another for the attention of a male, and when they get that attention they do not leave one another.
So, the animal kingdom has a history of sticking with one another ‘til death does us part. Perhaps we could learn something about this as a species ourselves?