Laughter is truly the best medicine, and what better way to spread joy than through humor? From clever puns to witty observations, signs can be a great source of laughter, and people all around the world have embraced this idea

. In this article, we'll explore some of the funniest signs from various countries and cultures. Whether it's a pun-filled storefront, a hilarious warning sign, or a clever advertisement, these signs are sure to bring a smile to your face. With over 30 different examples from all over the globe, there's something for everyone.
Join us as we take a tour of the funniest signs around the world!
Who Does That?
Who breathes underwater in a swimming pool without any equipment? Who does that? Honestly, at some point, the person who hung this sign up must have lost faith in human beings. It's so funny to even think about someone doing this. How was the experience, though?

You never know when people will start acting irrationally and doing things like this. It seems evident that we should not do so, but who knows. Some of us break the rules from time to time just because we want to stand out. To clarify, being unique is not always a good thing!
Beer As Cold As Her Heart
There’s nothing like a good old simile to draw in the crowds at night. That’s especially true when that simile tugs hard on the heartstrings of its patrons – just take a look at the giant sign below.

Sure, the beer may be as cold as your ex’s heart, but so is the sign! We’re surprised no heartbroken (and mildly inebriated) souls have let off a few rounds at those giant letters. On the bright side, however, cold beer is always a good thing.
Sip it Good
Life has its ups and downs. But sometimes, there is only so much a man can take. Being pushed to the limit is no way to live! It's time to protest and make it known, loud and clear: This sir, right here, is the last straw. Watch out, folks!

Perhaps even from space, this giant prop is impossible to miss! Sometimes the most hilarious signs can be found at demonstrations – and the more serious the issue, the sillier the slogan. Is this display incredibly inappropriate? For sure. Worth taking a peek at his competitors for top troll? Oh yeah!

P At Your Own Risk
This is one clever, tactful, and funny way to discuss a real issue. For swimmers who share a common pool, a major source of concern is when you notice a warm spot or a change in color while swimming.

This usually signals that someone has peed in the pool. Now in the wide-open ocean, it might be ok. However, in a small pool shared by dozens of strangers, peeing is not cool. As the sign says, keep the “P” out of the “ool.”
Our Kind Of Sign
We're seeking a clear and accurate sign; it doesn't need many words, just a one-liner, and you'll understand what it means. Like this sign, the person in charge of updating it may have had enough of the heat from the sun but still made sure that everybody who sees it understands what they're trying to say.

There are three things that you need to understand in this sign. First, sinning is terrible. Second, Jesus is good. And lastly, if you need more information, you are free to enter and inquire inside – that’s a very simple but informative sign.
Nothing New Under The Sun
All dressed up for the cold, this seasoned citizen has showed up yet again. According to her, the objections have been going on for a long time! What is the problem, exactly?

It's likely she's been around for long, long time. Did she witness the right to vote for women? The Emancipation Proclamation? That time America bought Alaska from Russia for only a million bucks? Whatever the case, this lady wants progress! She's totally sick of showing up to these things, and her arm is tired. Help a granny out, please?
A Simple Life
This sign is funny, but it sends a strong message to everyone who sees it. Nowadays, many people find it weird to be alone in public without a phone, laptop, tablet, or other gadget. Coffee shops are gadget heaven, with almost everyone happily buried in their device of choice.

While many people think technology has turned us into psychopaths, this sign suggests that it’s the other way around. Whether we care to admit it or not, technology often helps us, but since it always gives us the solution, we tend to rely on our devices so much. That is why seeing someone not connected to a phone, laptop, or tablet is quite bizarre.
A Big Noisy Thing…
As we saw from above, the simple “Danger” sign doesn’t do it in Texas – they prefer to explain dangers in more depth. For example, instead of “danger: helicopters,” they gave us the funny sign below.

Instead of assuming that everyone knows what a helicopter looks and sounds like, they went through the (snarky) trouble of explaining exactly what it is – "a big noisy thing with spinning blades." Once you see or hear that, then you should do what the last line of the sign says.
Just Spell it Out
Casual wear, cool shades, star-spangled bandanna. The main character of this moment certainly has a sense of style. But whatever he is opposing today is lost on the viewer for one other reason. Any grammar Nazi can see the issue, right away!

"Get a brain," he says. "Morans," he shouts in print. As passionate as he may be, this man clearly wasn't the spelling bee district champion. Moran should be a moron, silly! Not the best word for such an error, given the point of his sign. Live and learn, right?
Exhibit 1
Judging by the sign, it seems Texans are very explicit when it comes to explaining just what is going to go down if you don’t obey the signs. We admire the fact that they explained the whole situation in full detail because it makes it easier to imagine.

If you decide, for some reason, to still enter the dangerous area at your own risk, then get ready for a long and exhausting legal battle. Be prepared to see the sign again as “Exhibit 1.”
A Quick Turn of Events
This sign seems to present a contradiction in terms. How could a fair dedicated to people who are capable of seeing the future be canceled due to unforeseen circumstances? Surely this is the one time when even the most unusual disaster should have been predicted and planned for.

The events were so unexpected that they messed with all the attendants’ psychic capacity to anticipate the future. Maybe this is some sort of a pun designed to capture people's attention because, no doubt, this gained a chuckle.
No Cellphone While Driving
It's a big no-no to use your phone while driving! It puts lives in jeopardy and may even get arrested. We hear it all the time, but some individuals still don't seem to understand. We don't know why they can't fight the urge to use their phone. It's a bad habit, and everyone knows it.

This sign gets the message across with a clever, though somewhat cheesy pun. This sign succeeds, in our opinion, because it employs humor rather than threats. If you're driving, please put down your phone.
Where’s The 15th Floor Now?
This sign is pretty informative, but it’s also kind of confusing. If the 9ft floor has been relocated to the 15th floor, where is the 15th floor now? Although the sign is informative, we can’t stop thinking about it.

We also like the word "temporarily" that they used. The 9th floor, it appears, has plans to return to its former place. It is pretty ambiguous, with some wit and humor. But we still love this sign. What are your thoughts?
Mayhem Man
Honesty is usually a top-quality on most character lists. But this guy? It's suddenly not so clear anymore!

The truth is, he might not be the only one with this mindset. Why do people come to protests, most of the time? Maybe a craving for a little drama? This photo was actually captured at a May Day demonstration, known to be a violent protest day all over the world. He may not be joking, at all!
A "Friendly" Reminder
Kudos to anyone responsible enough to throw their garbage away correctly. The person who made this sign has clearly had enough of irresponsible people who use the place as a garbage area. Why would you do that? To anyone who's been throwing their trash around, this sign is for you!

In all honesty, this sign does the job. If you plan to go on this trail and throw your trash anywhere, people will assume you are either a jerk, someone who despises nature, still a kid, or all of the above. Cut the nonsense, and dispose of your trash properly – it's not that hard.
Is It That Hard?
If people won’t follow the rules, a funny sign can turn things around. The picture below is an excellent example of getting people to follow rules by adding humor. Some people are stubborn in their refusal to use blinkers, and this stubbornness leads to accidents.

Genuine question: Is it that difficult to use your blinkers? With so many vehicles on the road, following road signs is necessary. Signaling before changing lanes is one of those things that is very simple yet helpful in so many ways. So, remember this sign, and use your blinker every time!
A Helpful Sign
Why is it that we automatically have amnesia when we arrive at a bookstore? Is it because there are so many good books to read that we forget the title of the one we wanted to buy in the first place?

For some unknown reason, we can usually remember the color of the book’s cover. An employee at this bookstore was clever enough to make a sign dedicated to people like us. It's like giving the help we need to find the book we're looking for when all we remember is the color. Thank you, guys!
A Bit Too Honest
Hair is the crowning glory of a person, so we often see people cutting their hair and changing their hair color to look and feel good about themselves. This sign right here has a totally hilarious way to grab the attention of potential customers.

While it is funny, some may be turned off by the word “ugly.” Anyway, we find the sign hilarious because at least they are not sugar coating anything. If they can’t make you look good, your hair is not the problem.
Moderation is Key
Most people are well aware of the stereotype that Canadians are “too nice” for their own good – but is there any truth to that claim? Behold, exhibit A. Or rather, exhibit C.

If this sign has any point at all, it proves the case! What is this woman upset about? And why just a little? And if only a little, why all the effort with the sign? It's snowing, people! Most people certainly stayed at home. Canadian passion underestimated, yet again!
Whatever … Just Wash Your Hands
This establishment clearly has no issues about who uses its restrooms. Whether you’re a mythical creature or a human being, you’re free to go on in. One thing that they are serious about is hygiene. This sign tells you everything you need to know.

Of course, it is a norm that you have to wash your hands whenever you use a public restroom. Who wouldn’t wash their hands after spending time in the toilet? That’s gross, especially if you’re about to eat something.
Honesty Will Save The Day
Imagine seeing this while waiting for your car to get fixed. You can’t get mad if you have to wait because they were 100% honest about it. However twisted the logic behind this sign is, it still gives customers the chuckle they deserve as they wait patiently for their cars to be ready.

What more could you want than timely and effective service? With this mechanic, you know you'll get quick service, no matter how long you wait. We can easily conclude that the wait was well worth it.
A Sign We All Agree
Many of us can sympathize with this sign. Sometimes, we feel like time runs in slow-motion during weekdays and then switches to lightning speed on weekends. That is why we feel like waking up every weekday is so hard.

This sign indeed speaks for all of us. After returning from your weekend break, it feels like Monday never ends. Every day after that drags on in the same way until Friday night rolls around. Then, in a blink, it’s Monday again. What’s going on?
Life After Death?
Here is a perfect exhibit of one of the more creative ways to warn passersby not to enter. If you decide to trespass here, then one thing is certain to happen – you will find out whether there is a heaven or a hell.

Such a dramatic (and painful) method is not how most people like to go about the issues. Most people prefer methods of prayer and contemplation to think about it. However, if you’re the trespassing type, then this area might be for you.
For Anyone Who Doesn’t Know
In case you weren’t aware, you have to remove a child before washing their clothes unless. We know it’s common sense, but if someone forgets, this tag will come in handy. Also, we suppose it protects the clothing company from being sued if someone gets this important step wrong.

If you look closely at the label, you’ll see no grammatical errors. So, we suppose it was printed on purpose. This means that someone somewhere must have had a go at washing this garment with the kid still in it and then contacted the company to complain. People are so strange!
He Who Shall be Named
For most readers, Harry Potter created was a pleasant imaginary world for an afternoon or two. Or four, or ten. Or maybe still! It was so easy to get sucked into the wizard's world, but some protesters are taking it pretty far these days.

Event after event reveals many struggling with the line between fantasy and reality. Dumbledore isn't real, sadly! This particular moment took place at an LGBT rally, right on brand. According to J.K. Rowling: Yes, apparently Dumbledore was gay all along!
A Unique Bumper Sticker
Obviously, this guy is not married. Just look at his bumper sticker, and you'll know why. It's not your typical sticker, but it indeed gets our attention. He's a proud man who's tired of seeing "perfect family" bumper stickers, so he decided to make one for himself.

His sticker screams, "Yes, I am in a relationship with no children. But we have lots of money." Nothing can stop this man from letting the world know how satisfied he is with his life. Perhaps he’s part of the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement!
The Wettest Floor Ever
This is top-notch humor. Whoever placed the “Wet Floor” sign in the pool is clearly an experienced prankster. Just imagine seeing this sign in a public pool. You’d be waiting a long time for that puddle to dry up!

The sign indicates that there is a wet floor in this area. And this isn't hard to spot. While we think this is pretty funny, we bet the janitor wasn’t impressed when they had to wade out into the pool to collect the sign.
The Importance Of Self-Love
Self-love is one of the best things you can add to your daily routine. It allows you to focus on yourself and start doing things that make you feel happy and fulfilled. It can improve your self-esteem and overall health and even change your mood.

A simple sign like this can change a person's outlook instantly. Just because your thighs touch, doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world. With self-love and a good sense of humor, you can realize that your body is beautiful just the way it is. There’s no need to pursue impossible beauty standards.
We Love The Spirit
Publicly shaming a cheating boyfriend? Oh! We love this drama. And seeing this girl shaming her ex-boyfriend when there are thousands of people watching is chef-kiss. We can't imagine the state of pleasure she was experiencing at the time, but her ecstatic expression gives us a clue.

We’re not relationship gurus, but we can tell you that cheating will never work out. We don’t know how to say this nicely, so we’ll just come out and say it: if you are seriously considering cheating on your significant other, you should reconsider.
In All Honesty
This is the most brutally honest political lawn sign we’ve ever seen. We're not sure what happened to this person, but they are clearly not having it. We just hope everything was fine and that this person found peace of mind after that tough election year.

Honestly, we all felt that way in 2016. However, we ultimately figured out that life isn't all rainbows and butterflies. Sometimes, you need a little bit of humor to help you through the hard times. Thankfully, signs like this one were around to make people giggle.
Beware Of The (Tiny) Dog
Have you noticed that the smaller the dog, the crazier their barks are? This sign delivers a pretty standard “Beware of Dog” message. We're confident it is there for a reason, even though this dog seems harmless. Although he appears small, he may have a large bark and an even larger bite.

We advised you to ring the bell for your own sake. Though the dog in the picture looks cute, we imagine that it could still bite you. For all we know, he could be the most lethal tiny dog in canine history.
Error 404: Grammar Not Found
We were confused when we first saw this sign because it seems to imply that parking your car illegally is “FINE.” There’s an error in the sentence that could have been easily spotted if the person responsible for it was actually being responsible!

Honestly, this sign gave us a chuckle. It's incredible what a single missing letter can do. If only the person responsible for this sign added the D on the word fine, everything really would be fine! But, hey, who doesn't enjoy a good laugh?
Very Clever
Who is responsible for this sign? To whoever thought of this, you earned yourself some new fans today. We literally laughed out loud when we saw this sign. What is the Air and Space Museum? Has anyone ever visited this place?

Maybe the “Museum of Aeronautics” would make more sense? Anyway, we would love to see what’s inside the museum if given a chance. We bet there’s some exciting stuff that we could learn, despite the fact that the exhibits would be pretty empty.
Simon, You Got Busted
Simon must think he’s a ninja or something, getting away with his foolish secrets. Well, Simon. Guess what? You got busted! Thanks to your selfie stick, all the mysteries were solved. We wish we got to witness Simon's reaction when he arrived at the airport and spotted this sign.

We assume that this wasn’t the first time Simon got caught. Either Britney is really good at playing detective, or Simon is so sloppy with his hiding places that the selfie stick was barely even concealed. One thing is for sure – Britney deserves someone better.
Stop Messing With The Fly Traps
To be honest, the Venus flytrap is one of the most amazing carnivorous plants, so we can't blame people for wanting to touch and learn more about it. However, the plant will mistakenly digest itself and die if you keep touching it and making it produce digestive enzymes.

We can see how necessary it is to set this sign up, but we can’t stop laughing at how Kew Botanical Gardens worded it. They were kind enough to let the local flies know it’s okay to touch the plants.
Oh! Tomatoes
How uplifting it is to see this sign from a rather adorable grocery store. Yes, we know it’s cheesy and straightforward, but we can’t deny it’s cute. Kudos to the supermarket employees for making the sometimes dull task of grocery shopping a little more enjoyable!

Indeed, tomatoes are good for our bodies. This is a fun way of getting people excited about eating tomatoes. In a world that’s obsessed with fast food and convenience, it’s nice to see fruits and vegetables receiving some love.
A Cliffhanger
If you saw this sign outside the church, wouldn't you be more motivated to attend the Sunday service? It's like watching a movie series when the first episode's ending has a cliffhanger – you can’t wait to find out what it all means. Does this sign make you feel the same way?

We'd be interested even if it was merely to find out whether the pastor slipped more Star Wars references into the sermon. It's hard not to admire a pastor who enjoys sci-fi. Don't get us wrong: we're doing it not simply because we adore Star Wars but also because we're interested in hearing what they have to say.
Living With Regret
This guy seems to know precisely what the future holds, without the aid of a crystal ball. Is he a psychic, maybe?

How can he even know that he will carry around this sign all day? It's just the beginning, and life is full of surprises! Some even say it's like a box of chocolates. The question is, what is the issue he came to support? Can't be that important, if the sign is too much trouble. Just go home, sir!
A Totally Trustworthy Sign
Wait, a four-star motel in the middle of nowhere? Sounds interesting. But looking at their sign, something's telling us another story. Do you feel the same way? It’s giving us kinda creepy vibes; perhaps because this sign looks like it belongs at the start of a Rob Zombie film!

Four-star accommodation isn’t quite five-star luxury, but it’s not far off. Call us crazy, but we don’t think this sign screams luxury. This is precisely the kind of accommodation we would be happy to see in the rearview mirror.
The Love Language Of Cats
We can't agree more with this sign. Cats are pretty snobbish and are not really the type to give physical love. If you're lucky, they'll snuggle up to you. But often, they don't. They have this aura that screams, "Don't Touch Me."

This sign is so on-point. Cats do what they want, when they want, and they always put their own needs first. You can force them to give you affection, even if you're feeding them and giving them everything. But still, we love them. We just have to get used to their unique personalities.
Is This Really Necessary?
We commend this store's commitment to going the extra mile for its consumers, but seriously, guys? Most people were taught how to use a toilet bowl when they were young, right? Our parents made sure we were not ignorant of the essential toilet functions.

This sign says you can ask an employee to show you how to use a toilet bowl, but how would they do it if someone asked for it? If we were there, we'd want a demonstration just to see what they're about to do.
Play it Cool
When we saw this sign, we wondered what would happen to us if politicians didn’t exist, and instead, we all just promised to live in peace. Would life be better? Would there be less corruption? Although there are many what-ifs, we’re curious about the origin of this sign.

With a lot of terrible news circulating about politicians, this idea seems far-fetched but kind of nice, don't you think? Would it be advantageous or not to us? Although it’s unrealistic, we can’t help but think about what kind of world this strategy would create.
Dog Cop
We just love the humor of this sign. We don’t know if this sign exists or if it was edited, but this made us laugh for sure. Imagine if you had no idea that your dog was as anxious as you were whenever one of those on-duty dog officers passed by.

It's funny to imagine what your dog might be thinking. Who knows? Maybe our civilian dogs can recognize police dogs, just as we do. If so, we wouldn’t be surprised to learn that they feel intimidated by the dog police!
No Laughing Matter
This sign is hilarious. Pretty sure we don’t need to tell you what the sign means because it’s too apparent that it is a stick man drowning. But it also looks like “LOL,” as in “In case of drowning, Laugh Out Loud!"

Drowning is not a light matter to laugh at, but we can also see the humor in this signage. We do feel bad for laughing at this one, but how could you not have a giggle? Thankfully, they included “Call 911” at the bottom of the sign.
Who You Gonna Call?
Humor is essential in this world. We need to laugh and have some fun as it gives us much-needed relief from the troubles of everyday life. This is true for adults and children alike. Laughter can be very healthy and teach kids important life lessons.

The good news is that you can find humor anywhere – even at your local grocery store. Take a look at this sign and tell us you didn’t laugh at it. Even if you weren't looking for goat butter, this sign would entice you to at least consider purchasing a pack.
Clever Name
Just a heads up: Don’t let your kids see this sign if they are fans of Finding Nemo, or you’ll have to explain to them why these people are frying Nemo. Indeed, there’s humor there, but something tells us that this is not a place for kids to visit.

Using Nemo as a reference for their fish and chips shop may seem clever, but it won’t appeal to customers below the age of 12. Still, we give them an A+ for creativity. We just hope no child will make a scene and cry when they see this sign!
Not Your Usual Thieves
This is what you get when you combine police humor, toilet humor, and dad jokes. We bet plenty of families on road trips rolled their eyes at this one – apart from dad, who would be laughing heartily in the front seat!

Can you imagine if this really happened? It would be hilarious, but who would be brave enough to steal a toilet from a cop? This is one great pun, but let’s be clear: Stealing is wrong, even if you only do it for the lols.
Mother’s Day Special
Before anything, we would like to give our deepest thanks to every mother who strives hard to give her family the best things in the world. We love you, and we appreciate all the things you've done! For anyone who’s seeing this, let this be a sign.

One margarita is coming up for our special guest. Yes, that’s you, mom! This person will undoubtedly make mom’s day on Mother's Day because no sign has ever been more accurate. The only thing most mothers would enjoy more than a margarita is an indulgent massage.
Another Thief On The Loose
The pastor of this church appears to have a good sense of humor. They warned the thief, but out of the kindness of their heart, they’re willing to let them keep one AC unit. We aspire to have this level of forgiveness when we face similar situations.

How considerate! They are still looking after the welfare of the thief, who will undoubtedly face immense warmth in a particular place we don’t want to talk about. Again, stealing is forbidden in any factor of life. So, if you’ve ever indulged, now is the time to repent for your wicked ways!
Husband Day Care Center
All of us have heard of a daycare center, but have you ever seen a husband's daycare center? This sign will make everyone who is married laugh out loud. This kind of establishment should spread all across the planet.

The only part we are unsure about is the drinking aspect. Leaving your husband in a booze-filled daycare may not be the smartest idea. But hey, if it means a day off for the ladies, it's well worth it. Don't worry, boys – we'll also offer daycare for wives.
Poor Word Choice
Raising funds for a good cause is a wholesome thing to do. We often see signs for fundraising, but this one seems odd. Something went wrong in the planning process. Of course, we want to ensure no child has to suffer from diabetes, but is a bizarre Fight Club fundraiser really the way to do it?

We believe replacing the word “fight” with “help” could change the sentence's meaning! The intention here is obvious, but they should have had someone else review it before printing the signs. Nevertheless, we bet this fundraiser drew a decent crowd!
Creepy Sign
Imagine walking through the woods and then seeing this sign. We’re sure we would run for our lives straight away. We don’t want to see what’s inside, nor do we want to risk our precious lives just to satisfy our curiosity. That will never happen.

How many hands will grab us if we decide to take this path? This sign looks like it came straight out of a horror movie. If you look closely, you can see that the nail has been driven directly into the person’s head. Oh! We may be exaggerating, but we don’t like what we’re seeing.