Calor Y Polvo
El hombre creía estar oyendo cosas. El calor del desierto le estaba afectando. Estaba hablando por teléfono con su mujer y oyó algo más. ¿Era un déjà vu?
Tampoco era una voz que le resultara familiar. Había algo raro en la escena que escuchó en su casa.
En la desolada extensión del desierto iraquí, un soldado solitario, Dallas Brosnan, de 30 años, estaba de pie en medio de las arenas movedizas, sus pensamientos una turbulenta mezcla de deber y anhelo.
Había sido enviado a Irak en cumplimiento del deber. Pero su mente no estaba en absoluto centrada en el campo de batalla. Había algo que le preocupaba desde hacía tiempo.
Una Misión Por Cumplir
Había pasado un año desde que se despidió de su amada esposa, Sarah, y de su preciosa hija de 5 años, Alice, en Wisconsin. Su mujer también estaba embarazada de su segundo hijo cuando se marchó.
Fue un momento emotivo, pero no tuvo elección. Tenía un deber que cumplir. Su país le necesitaba y él estaba dispuesto a servir.
No Está Preparado Para Esto
Aunque era un soldado serio, su corazón estaba en casa con su familia. Ansiaba volver con ellos más que ninguna otra cosa. Pero aún faltaba un año.
A través de cartas y llamadas ocasionales, habían salvado la distancia física, pero a Dallas le dolía el corazón por su calor, por la risa que una vez resonó en su casa.
A Través De Los Océanos
Dallas se aferraba a sus cartas y llamadas telefónicas como salvavidas de su mundo lejano. Se le saltaban las lágrimas cuando su mujer le enviaba una ecografía de su bebé. Iba a ser padre de dos hijos.
Las noches eran las más duras, cuando la soledad se abatía sobre él como el peso de su pesada carga. Pero el pensamiento de su creciente familia le hacía seguir adelante.
Otro Hombre
Mientras el sol caía implacable, Dallas se sentía cada vez más atormentado por una voz masculina, distante pero persistente, que parecía entretejerse en sus pensamientos.
¿Había alguien más en su casa? ¿Le ocultaba algo su mujer? Era una presencia etérea, como un susurro llevado por el viento, esquiva pero innegable.
Sentir Las Cosas
Dallas decidió hablar con su mujer la próxima vez que le llamara. Estaba dispuesto a averiguar la verdad de lo que estaba ocurriendo en su casa. Como soldado, se sentía inseguro por tener que cuestionar la lealtad de su mujer hacia él.
Durante una de sus escasas conversaciones, le hizo una confidencia a Sarah, pero ella se limitó a desentenderse como si él estuviera oyendo cosas.
Un Hombre Más Grande
Dallas no quería disgustar a su mujer embarazada, así que lo dejó estar. Iba a averiguarlo por su cuenta. Pero sus oídos estaban alerta.
A medida que pasaban los meses, un fenómeno peculiar empezó a infiltrarse en las llamadas de Dallas con su familia. Estaba seguro de ello y sin duda se trataba de otro hombre.
Un Hombre Celoso
No había nada más que Dallas pudiera hacer. Se sentía herido y apartado de su propia familia. Su mente estaba perturbada por las formas en que podría averiguar lo que estaba pasando en casa.
Tenía ganas de enviar un espía a casa. Quería instalar un sistema de vídeovigilancia en su casa. Se volvía loco pensando en lo que pasaba en su casa.
Afectar A Su Deber
Dallas estaba cada vez más preocupada, y el general Donald empezó a darse cuenta. Llegaba tarde todas las mañanas. El soldado perdía la concentración y se saltaba comidas.
Estaba perdiendo la forma y el interés por su trabajo. "Los dolores de la vuelta a casa le están afectando, soldado", le dijo el general Donald. Pero el soldado se limitó a poner como excusa que se encontraba mal.
De Nuevo En La Carretera
Dallas no tuvo la oportunidad de lidiar con sus sentimientos porque fueron enviados al lugar. Mientras los soldados iban hacinados en el vehículo del ejército como sardinas, se cuestionó las decisiones de su vida.
Salieron de la base militar y se dirigieron en un viaje de tres horas al improvisado campamento militar. Dallas sabía que no podría hablar con su mujer durante un tiempo.
Un Hogar Lejos De Casa
Desplegado en una base temporal en un pequeño pueblo de Irak, Dallas estaba de guardia. Apenas dormía y estaba en alerta máxima en todo momento.
Echaba de menos a su mujer y añoraba un toque de hogar. Y fue como si algo en el Universo sintiera su dolor, pero recibió una llamada de casa.
Noticias De Casa
Respondió a la llamada con impaciencia. Era su mujer; había tenido una urgencia con el bebé. Pero ya estaba todo bien. Se lo explicaría detalladamente por correo electrónico.
Cuando preguntó quién estaba con ella, Sarah se desentendió diciendo que había conseguido que unos amigos la ayudaran. Dallas sintió una punzada de inquietud, pero confió en la explicación de su mujer.
Alguien Allí
El cansado soldado nunca olvidó la voz que permanecía en su mente. Una débil y desconocida voz masculina resonaba de vez en cuando en el fondo.
Pero la voz persistía, un trasfondo inquietante en sus conversaciones. Volvió a preguntar: "¿Quién está ahí contigo?". Pero Sarah desvió la pregunta, sólo para que le aseguraran que no era más que la voz de un familiar.
Desaparecido En Casa
El soldado regresó finalmente a su base principal en Irak, aún le quedaba un año de servicio. A medida que los días se convertían en semanas y luego en meses, la voz se hacía más nítida, sus entonaciones más inquietantes.
Dallas no podía evitar la sensación de que albergaba secretos, verdades ocultas que arañaban los bordes de su conciencia. La voz resonaba en su cabeza.
Llamando A Casa
El soldado aprovechó la ventaja de tener un teléfono móvil y telefoneó a casa más a menudo. Una tarde, cuando el sol se ocultaba en el horizonte proyectando largas sombras, la inocente voz de Alice atravesó los kilómetros.
"Papá", dijo, con su voz como un frágil hilo de conexión, "estoy deseando que conozcas a mi nuevo padre". El soldado se quedó sin habla.
La Niña Dijo
Dallas sintió un escalofrío que le recorrió la espalda. ¿Qué quería decir su hija? Su mente corría en busca de explicaciones, de una forma lógica de desentrañar este desconcertante rompecabezas.
Presionó a Alice en busca de respuestas, con el corazón latiéndole con fuerza mientras la oscuridad de la incertidumbre se cernía sobre él. Pero la niña no entendía lo que su padre quería decir. Ella sólo era feliz.
Más Información
Dallas intentó obtener información de su hija. Pero ella no podía darle las respuestas que quería. "¿Quién te lleva al colegio, cariño?". Dallas intentó preguntarle a su hija.
Entonces, un día, la inocente expresión de Alice atravesó la crepitante línea telefónica. "Papá, estoy deseando que conozcas a mi nuevo padre", dijo con la inocente emoción de una niña.
Papá Número Dos
Las palabras golpearon a Dallas como un rayo, la confusión y la alarma lo invadieron. ¿Qué podía significar Alice? Su corazón se aceleró al contemplar las posibilidades, los pensamientos que lo atormentaban durante las largas noches en los barracones.
A través de la línea telefónica, su voz temblaba: "Es bueno, papá. Cuida de nosotros cuando tú no estás". ¿Quién era ese hombre?
Solo Y Traicionado
El miedo apretó el corazón de Dallas como una prensa. Había pensado en Sarah todos los días y había creído en la fuerza de su amor. ¿Cómo había podido ella hacerle esto?
Las implacables tormentas de arena de Irak no eran nada comparadas con la tormenta de emociones que se desencadenaba ahora en su interior. Se sentía traicionado por la mujer que más amaba y estaba dispuesto a vengarse de ella y del hombre desconocido. Pero no tenía ni idea de lo que le esperaba.
She Always Lied
Tears burned behind his eyes. What was he supposed to do about this? His wife lied every time he tried to ask her about it, and his daughter was too young to explain the situation. Dallas was shattered.
For all his life, he dedicated everything to his family. He wanted to give them the best lives possible, and this was what he got in return.
He Needed Answers
He tried to get more information out of Alice, but she was more interested in telling him about her time in school. He had to speak to Sarah about this, but he wondered if she would tell him the truth.
But why would she do this to him? Did she feel neglected or betrayed by his absence? He had to get to the bottom of this.
How Could She?
“Alice, sweetie, could you pass the phone to Mommy, please?” He spoke gently, careful not to alarm his young daughter. She remained silent for a moment before finally responding.
“Mommy isn’t home. Only Dad is. But mommy said that he wasn’t allowed to talk to you,” She said casually, clearly not understanding the severity of the situation. His heart dropped. How could Sarah have done this to him?
He felt defeated. There was nothing more that he could do. He simply had to let this go. After all, there wasn’t much he could do while he was this far away from his wife and children. It felt like his entire world was falling apart, and he didn’t know how to fix it.
“Okay, sweetie.” He breathed, feeling absolutely destroyed. “I’ll speak to you later.” His biggest fear was coming true. He was losing his family. What was he going to do?
The Weight of Duty
Dallas hung up the phone, his emotions swirling in a tumultuous storm. Betrayal, anger, and heartbreak all battled for dominance within him. Duty had called him away from his family, but now it seemed that duty had cost him his family.
His thoughts turned to his comrades, the soldiers who relied on him in the field. Could he afford to let this turmoil consume him? His duty to his country was still paramount, but the personal crisis gnawed at his soul.
A Soldier's Resolve
As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Dallas knew he had to compartmentalize his pain. He couldn't let his personal anguish jeopardize his mission and the lives of his fellow soldiers.
With a steely determination, he threw himself into his work, pushing aside the tormenting thoughts whenever they resurfaced. He couldn't allow his emotions to compromise the safety of his unit.
Couldn’t Think Straight
But he couldn’t even think straight with all the thoughts and scenarios going through his mind. Even though he fully immersed himself in his duties, that male voice lingered in his mind.
At times, his team found him sitting with his head in his hands. They sensed that there was trouble back home. They had seen it before.
Many of the soldiers had lost their marriages. It became too much for wives to wait for their husbands. They needed the support of having to look after children, and they couldn’t do it alone.
But most army wives stuck it out and stood by their husbands, waiting for the day they would come home.
Hoped And Prayed
Dallas had hoped and prayed that Sarah was one of those loyal army wives. He hoped that she would be standing on the tarmac waiting to receive him when their plane touched down on American soil.
But he felt a pang of doubt, especially after the last call. He looked at pictures of them on his phone in happier times.
Tears sprung to his eyes as he pressed the power button on his phone. He watched the screen turn black before shutting his eyes tightly. He was watching in real time as everything came crashing down around him.
He thought Sarah was his endgame, but now he realized how wrong he was. Was she just waiting for him to leave before inviting this man over? Suddenly, he doubted everything they ever had.
A New Dad
The remaining year in Iraq became a test of endurance, the suspense in his heart mirroring the volatile landscape around him. Sarah was pregnant with a boy.
The news excited and crushed him all the same. He’d always wanted a boy, but now he was wondering if he would even be in the child’s life. What if his family was actively replacing him? He didn’t know what to do.
Seeking Answers
Despite the turmoil within him, Dallas knew he couldn't let this uncertainty fester any longer. He needed answers, closure, and the truth, no matter how painful it might be.
Late one night, as the harsh desert winds howled outside his barracks, he decided to take a drastic step. He contacted a close friend back home, John, whom he trusted implicitly. He confided in John about the strange occurrences, the voice on the phone, and his daughter's unsettling words.
John's Investigation
John, a former military man himself, took the matter seriously. He began discreetly investigating the situation. He visited Sarah and Alice, trying to gather information without raising suspicion.
What he discovered was deeply unsettling. There was indeed another man in the house. Sarah and this man seemed to have grown very close. John just didn’t know how he was going to break the news to Dallas.
The news shattered him. But he wasn’t surprised. At the back of his mind, he already knew. But now, having the truth laid bare to him made it hurt even more.
How could it be that he was on the brink of losing his family? A wife he only loved with all his heart. Someone he thought loved him too.
He regretted asking John to investigate. Now he couldn’t stop thinking about what was going on in his house behind closed doors.
Even his little daughter was involved. It crushed him when his precious princess called someone else “daddy.” How could Sarah have moved on so quickly? Did their vows not mean anything to her?
But maybe there was a perfectly good explanation for everything. He understood that being pregnant and having to take care of another child was hard, but why would she move on to another man without even expressing her feelings of loneliness to him?
He knew all too well how lonely it could get in the desert, but yet all he could think about was surviving to get home to his wife.
Renewed Determination
He tried his best not to think about it too hard. He was going to have a baby boy soon and he had to ensure that he would be there for him.
He faced the dangers of combat with renewed determination, driven by a singular purpose: to return to America and confront the enigma that had infiltrated his family. He was fighting his own personal war.
Another Man
The months were passing fast, and he was channeling all of his pain and anger into his work. He felt like he had something to prove. He was excited yet terrified to return home, knowing that another man had moved into his home.
His last few conversations with Sarah were tense. He never asked her about the man, but he still heard him over the phone, playing with his daughter.
An Inner War
As his deployment finally neared its end, his anticipation mingled with dread. How was he going to handle the confrontation with his wife and her new flame?
The thought of reuniting with Sarah and Alice was a beacon of hope, yet it also cast a spotlight on the mysteries he was about to confront. He had to be brave.
He often spoke about the situation to one of his closest friends in Iraq, Simon. He felt for Dallas. After all, he had lost his wife to another man too. Simon kept telling Dallas not to assume anything.
“You don’t know the full story yet,” he would say with a pat on Dallas’s back. Weeks quickly turned into days, and before they knew it, it was time to go home.
Back To The USA
The day of departure arrived, the airplane carrying Dallas homeward bound. His heart raced as the distance between him and Iraq grew, but anxiety clung to him like a shadow.
Simon sat beside him on the plane, comforting him as they got closer to home. Dallas couldn’t help it as his hands shook. He was terrified of what he might find once he got home.
Their Reunion
Since he left, he’d imagined what it would feel like to come home to his wife and children. But over time, his expectations changed.
He envisioned their reunion—embraces, tears, and long-awaited laughter—but he couldn't shake the lingering questions, the unsettling feeling that everything he knew was about to unravel.
On Home Ground
At long last, the day of his return arrived. The aircraft touched down on American soil, his heart pounding as he descended the gangway.
He once longed for this moment to come, but now, he was terrified of what would happen when he saw his wife’s beautiful face. He wasn’t ready for what was to come, but he couldn’t put this off any longer.
A Long Journey
He nearly shed a tear as he said goodbye to Simon. Unlike him, Simon’s family had come to the airport to pick him up. Dallas had to get a cab home. The journey to his house seemed to last a lifetime, but eventually, he made it home.
As he walked up the porch towards his home, a mixture of joy and trepidation welled up within him. The front door swung open, and there they were: Sarah and Alice, radiant and expectant.
Familiar Faces
His eyes glowed in happiness that he was looking at his darling child. But his feelings were confusing toward his wife.
Sarah looked as beautiful as ever, and he couldn’t help it as his heart leaped at the sight of her. For all his life, she was all he ever wanted. Suddenly, he forgot all about the pain. He wanted to embrace his wife and daughter.
The Voice
Alice ran toward him, and he quickly scooped her up on a tight hug, “I’ve missed you so much,” he said into her ear before releasing her.
But as he stepped across the threshold, his ears caught an unfamiliar resonance - a man's voice resonating within the walls of his home. He had the audacity to be in his house even on the day that he arrived?
Someone In My House
Dallas entered his house with Alice running close behind. He entered the living room and stopped dead in his tracks. A man was laughing somewhere in the house, it sounded like it was coming from the kitchen.
His eyes darted towards the source, and there, in the heart of his sanctuary, stood a stranger. A shiver of discomfort ran down Dallas' spine as their gazes locked.
I’m Steven
The man casually placed his drink on the counter and stepped closer to Dallas as he extended his hand out to him. “Hey there, I’m Steven,” he said with a silly grin on his face.
Dallas took a hesitant step closer to the man and shook his hand awkwardly. That was the voice he’d heard over the phone for all those months. But who was the strange man?
Helping Out
Dallas didn’t say anything at first. They were left staring at each other as Sarah pushed into the kitchen, taking Steven’s arm with a wide smile. Dallas didn’t like the way she was touching him. How could she do that right in front of her husband?
“Steven here has been helping out a lot while you were gone. He’s been helping me with the kids and the house chores.” She grinned proudly. Dallas felt sick to his stomach.
Who Are You?
“Right,” he coughed up, clearing his throat, “And how do you know each other?” He frowned, making it very obvious that he did not agree. How could Sarah be so blatant about this? And why was his daughter calling the man ‘dad’?
Sarah flashed her ever-charming smile. “He is my sister’s husband. But he’s been staying with us since you left?” He had to stop himself from throwing a fit in front of everyone.
He Didn’t Trust Him
“Come on, let's get your things all packed out. Steven prepared us a wonderful dinner with all of your favorites.” Sarah smiled and walked ahead, leading her husband out of the kitchen.
But before he left, he glanced at Steven, who flashed him a subtle smirk. This didn’t sit right with him. Something was up, and he was going to let this go. Little did he know that Steven wasn’t going to leave any time soon.
Taking Over
Days turned into weeks, and Dallas observed a growing sense of unease as the man ingrained himself into his family's daily life.
The closeness he shared with Alice, the camaraderie he had with Sarah, all of it felt like an intrusion upon Dallas' rightful place. He longed to reestablish himself as the head of the family, the protector and provider.
The Bigger Man
Summoning all his courage, Dallas invited his brother-in-law Steven for a drink. The words came out with a force he didn't expect. "Are you having an affair with my wife?" he blurted out, the tension hanging in the air like a thick fog.
Steven's eyes widened in shock, and he vehemently denied the accusation. Instead, he revealed a truth that pierced Dallas to his core - he had been acting as a father figure for Alice in Dallas' absence, filling the void that had inevitably grown.
Nothing To Worry About
Dallas couldn't refute Steven's explanation, the bitterness of realization mingling with gratitude for his brother-in-law's role. He thanked Steven for his help, though his unease remained unshaken.
He tried to mend his fractured relationship with Alice, to reclaim his place as her father, but the chasm had grown deeper than he anticipated. Would they be able to rekindle their relationship?
Fighting For His Life
In the end, Dallas faced a heart-wrenching truth. The war he fought on foreign soil was nothing compared to the battle he waged within his own home. As he watched Alice laugh and play with Steven, he wondered if he would ever truly find his way back to her heart.
The question that haunted him was simple yet profound - would his daughter remember him as her real father, or had the war stolen not only his presence but his place in her life?
A Fragile Truce
Weeks turned into months, and a fragile truce settled within the walls of the household. Dallas, Sarah, and Steven found a way to coexist, each playing their roles in Alice's life.
Dallas, though pained by the loss of his daughter's complete affection, decided to be the bigger man. He accepted that Steven had stepped in during his absence, and Alice had grown attached to him. He didn't want to disrupt her life any further.
The Unspoken Tension
But despite the veneer of normalcy, an unspoken tension lingered in the air. Dallas couldn't help but feel like a stranger in his own home. His relationship with Sarah was strained, and he couldn't shake the suspicion that there was more to their story than met the eye.
He spent nights lying awake, wondering if he had made the right choice by allowing Steven to continue being a part of their lives. The doubts ate away at him, leaving him feeling like a prisoner in his own home.
Seeking Closure
Unable to quell his inner turmoil, Dallas decided to seek closure. He confronted Sarah, demanding an honest conversation about what had transpired in his absence. He needed to know the truth, no matter how painful it might be.
Sarah, her eyes filled with regret and sorrow, finally confessed. She had leaned on Steven for support during Dallas's deployment, and their bond had grown stronger over time. However, it was not a romantic affair as Dallas had suspected.
A Heartfelt Apology
Sarah admitted that she had allowed Steven to take on a fatherly role for Alice, not realizing the lasting impact it would have on their relationship. She deeply regretted not communicating with Dallas about the situation, and she acknowledged the pain she had caused him.
Tears streamed down both their faces as they bared their souls, sharing their fears, doubts, and regrets. It was a painful but necessary conversation that brought them closer to understanding each other.
A New Beginning
The family, scarred but stronger, embarked on a new beginning. Dallas cherished the moments he spent with Alice, working to regain her trust and affection. It was a challenging journey but one he was willing to undertake.
With time, Alice began to see her father as a constant presence in her life, and her love for him deepened. Sarah and Dallas learned the importance of open communication and supporting each other through the trials of life.