Actress Jamie Lee Curtis has never seen a film from the Halloween series, even though she herself has starred in those films for forty years. She reveals this in conversation with NME.

The original 1978 Halloween film is considered a classic, setting the blueprint for so-called "slasher films," the genre in which masked psychopaths often attack teenagers. "I'm not a fan of the genre at all," says the 63-year-old Curtis, who can also be seen again in the new installment in the series: Halloween Ends.

The film's title suggests that this is the final installment. "Endings are a bitch, but so is Laurie Strode (Curtis' character, ed.)," the actress recently answered at Comic-Con when asked how it felt that the story has come to an end for her. "Whatever I'm going to do, Laurie Strode is here because of you guys and for that I thank you," she addressed the more than five thousand fans.
Halloween Ends is the final part in a triptych in which the audience finds out how Laurie is faring as a sixty-something. She wants to deal with killer Michael Myers, who has escaped from an asylum after four decades.