When it comes to skincare, many of us have a habit of going a little bit overboard. Our skin is involved in an environmental cocktail every single day, with so many different things interacting with our skin. From sunlight itself to make-up and care products, our skin is often coming into contact with many foreign substances. Add in the fact that the skincare market seems to have at least one product for every possible issue and ailment, and it is far to ask if there is such a thing as ‘too much skincare.
And that is definitely a thing. Few industries would benefit from a ‘less is more approach than the skincare industry. Our skin is not capable of taking every single skincare product out there at once. It is better to find the issues your skin has as the primary problem, and then overcome it with a small but effective group of skincare products.
It is also important to avoid trying out numerous skincare products at once. Think of it like trying ingredients on your favorite food. If you add everything at once, it is hard to tell what works and what does not. Do it piece by piece, though, and it is easier to tell what makes the recipe and what ruins it.
Your skin is no different. It is better to find a way to get the maximum effect for the minimal output. Look for the skin issues you have, and then look for one product that can minimize or overcome this issue. Focus on resolving issues as opposed to just trying every skincare product out there that you see for sale.
Less is more in skincare, and it can improve the result
The best thing that you can do is work out what your skincare process should be. You should pay attention to what your skin needs, and what your skin can make the most of. For example, you might find that certain ingredients lead to breakouts or infections.
Also, do not simply try and follow a skincare regimen that you found online. Everyone has their skin conditions and strengths; what works for someone on YouTube could be a nightmare for you and vice versa.
Start by giving your skin a proper cleanse first. Cleanse the skin and then start using something small – something like a skin brightening topical treatment, and then add something like a moisturizer on the top. If you have an actual skin condition, you should get a medical cream treatment that you use before moisturizing.
This is it – this is the best way to give your skin an actual helping hand without causing yourself potential risks when it comes to reactions and the like. Keep it simple, keep it small, and feel the benefits in the future.