The Beginning
Seeing the water flowing down the sink drain, he realized his life was about to change forever. He noticed a sudden change in the behavior of his cat.

His cat's obsession with the bathroom led to strange occurrences. The thought of them all being connected couldn't help but intrigue him. In the end, he would have a hard time swallowing the truth.
A Sudden Change
It all began with Houston's cat. It was a pleasure for the loveable feline to explore the suburban streets and interact with neighbors' cats. All of that changed one day.

In the course of time, the cat went from being an adventurous spirit to becoming a reserved animal who hardly noticed his surroundings. He seemed obsessed with one thing.
His Obsession
No matter how Houston tried to get him out of the bathroom, he would not leave. His gaze would be fixed on the drain all day long.

Initially, Houston believed he was trying to tell him that he was thirsty, but it was not true. There was something much more sinister than Houston had ever imagined.
He Was Losing His Mind
After Houston realized the cat was looking at the drain, he wondered why it was doing so. At first, he thought his cat was going crazy, but then everything started happening.

It was the rotten smell in the air that was the worst of all; it was as if Houston's house was haunted, and it all stemmed from the bathroom sink. The situation was driving him mad.
He Needed Help
When Houston couldn't take it any longer, he dismantled his entire sink to figure out what was wrong. His fear was sparked by what he found.

Houston was terrified by what he saw. In an instant, he ran to this cell phone and called the authorities. There is no doubt that they would be able to assist him.
All He Wanted
Houston Myers was just an ordinary man living in Dallas, Texas. Having been born and raised in the same city as his father, he got his name from him.

Unlike most of his classmates, Houston didn't have big dreams. His only desire was to have a family one day. It was clear to him that he wanted to be like his parents when he saw how they looked at each other.
His Dream Girl
Thankfully, Houston wouldn't have to wait too long. A few years after graduating from high school, he met Mary at one of his friends' barbecues.

No doubt, they had chemistry from the moment they met. One year later, the couple was already married.
They moved into a nice house in the suburbs in an affordable price range. One of Mary's non-negotiable rules was that her cat had to come. Due to his love of animals, Houston didn't mind.

Frisbee, just a year old, was named after his strange habit of playing with Frisbees like a dog. It would not be long before another life was joining the couple.
Good News
Houston's perfect life was falling into place at only 20 years old. Now that Mary was his wife, everything moved along smoothly.

It was then that Mary broke the news Houston would never forget. She was expecting his child. In Houston's eyes, this was the life he had always dreamed of, but his dreams turned dark soon after.
His Baby
It was Mary who gave birth to Houston's first child, a boy named Atlas. As far as Houston was concerned, it was a strange name, but Mary always managed to get him to agree.

Then something happened that shattered Houston's heart. She left Houston behind, along with her month-old baby.
It was now sudden that Houston couldn't even process what had happened. Mary disappeared one day without a trace of where she'd gone off to.

As with any missing person, the police got involved and conducted a manhunt. But after two months, they decided to call it off. They told Houston that it was likely she had run away from the stress of being a mother.
Wouldn't Accept It
Houston was offended by what the police said. In his mind, Mary would never have run away from her life. She had just had a baby that she loved, and she only seemed to be closer to Houston with every day together.

Houston knew something bad had happened to his wife, and it broke his heart every day. But things were about to get even stranger the more time passed.
Picking Up The Pieces
Houston knew that even though his heart ached at the loss of his wife, he had to do the right thing and pick up the pieces of what she'd left behind.

He had to soldier on because of his responsibilities. His son was the last thing his wife had left him, and he would look after him as best he could.
It wasn't only Atlas, though. Frisbee was also still around, and Houston had grown attached to the animal. It was clear that the cat also missed Mary, and the two grieved together.

Things would improve, and even though Houston never forgot about Mary, his life would be back on track. But then, a reminder of the past would come back to haunt him.
Years Later
Two years had passed since Mary's disappearance, and Houston was in a good place. He was being the best dad to his two-year-old son and taking great care of Frisbee.

But that's when things would change and remind him of the past. The fun-loving and social Frisbee's behavior would drastically change.
Staying Inside
Frisbee loved exploring the neighborhood and socializing with other people and animals, but all of that changed when Houston noticed that all he started doing was staying indoors.

He'd wake up and feed both Frisbee and Atlas before going to his office to start working for the day. But whenever he got up to take a five-minute break, he'd notice that Frisbee was in the same place.
Not Budging
He had noticed it a few times before, but now it was apparent that it had become a habit. The cat was in the bathroom every time he walked past the open door and wouldn't budge from the countertop.

At first, Houston thought he was thirsty and ran the tap so the cat could drink. But he didn't care about hydration - something else was going on.
Staring Into The Drain
Frisbee wasn't interested in hydration. He was fixated on something else. Houston noticed that he was staring straight down into the drain and not budging.

It was as if the cat was obsessed with the drain, but Houston had no idea why. He hoped it was just a passing phase, but things were about to take a turn for the worse.
Another Strange Thing
It wasn't even a week after Frisbee had started his new obsession when Houston noticed something else going on. It was just there one day, and it would drive Houston mad.

It was a distinct smell that permeated the air in the house. It wasn't a good smell but something like death. His eyes watered at just a tiny waft of it. He needed to find the source.
Houston assumed Frisbee had gone out behind his back and brought a dead mouse back into the house. He just had to find out where the cat could have left the carcass.

But after trying to find the source, he was led back to where it all started, the bathroom. He looked at Frisbee, still looking at the drain, and took another deep breath.
The Drain
Houston had finally found the source of the awful smell. It was coming from the drain itself. Was this why Frisbee had become so obsessed with the sink? He thought to himself.

Whatever the case, Houston decided to clean the drain by rinsing it out with a pipe cleaner as best he could. But he had no idea what he was going to uncover.
Tired Of The Smell
The cleaner seemed to work for a few days, but just like before, the smell suddenly crept back through the house. Houston was tired of the smell by this point and took more drastic measures.

He walked over to the garage and searched around for a bit. He used to fix up anything that was broken, but these days he was less motivated without his wife around. Then he found what he was looking for.
He saw the glint of red and heaved the heavy metal box out of the garage and into the bathroom. He took out his tools from the toolbox and quickly got to work on getting rid of the smell.

After carefully shutting off the water and opening up the pipes underneath the sink, he was so sure he'd find the root of his problems.
Finding The Source
Houston reached into the pipe with three of his fingers and could feel something wet and furry. He tugged at it until he finally pried it out of the drain.

But when he looked at what was in his hand, he nearly vomited. It was definitely where the smell was coming from, but he went pale when he realized the implications behind it.
Long Hair
What Houston had found was long matted hair. Hair that definitely wasn't his. That's when he realized what it was; it was his wife's hair.

There was no telling how long Mary's hair had been in the sink before, but why did it only start to smell now? He broke down in front of the sink at the prospect of what had happened to her.
Still There
Houston wanted to keep the hair but knew that was unhealthy. He disposed of it in a bag and took it outside to the bin on his lawn.

But when he got inside, he realized something. The smell was still there. That's when paranoia crept over him; he knew that he needed to call the police immediately with the information he had.
Calling The Authorities
Houston called the police and told them everything that had happened to him over the last few days. They didn't seem to take him seriously at first, but he knew he had to convince them.

After a long phone call, they agreed to come out and investigate the strange occurrences. Houston was afraid of what they were about to uncover underneath his sink.
The cops came into his house and immediately covered their noses. The rotting smell had only gotten worse ever since Houston had opened up the drain.

He directed them to the sink, where they looked at how he had disassembled everything. "That's not a sink." One of them said to the other, not taking things seriously. But they would once they looked a little closer.
Going Deeper
The police couldn't deny that the smell was intoxicating. It was definitely worth a look into, even if they didn't think they'd find anything.

It was clear that the smell was coming from underneath Houston's house, and whether or not that was incriminating was up to the detectives if they found anything.
A Body
The police got permission to open up a manhole right outside Houston's house and trudge through the sewer to get directly underneath his house.

Houston waited nervously by the manhole with one of the police officers while the other went in. But that's when he heard the spine-chilling news. "Yup, looks like we have a body down here!" The cop from the manhole shouted.