First-class may be a luxury, but who can resist a good deal? Flying economy has that complimentary coffee, and a chance to mingle with the masses. It's all a good time, usually. But when there are crazy fellow travelers, all bets are off!

Why not try the aisle itself? Emotional support monkey in hand, eye mask on tight, he's now getting all the REM he needs. No one will dare to disrupt his beauty sleep, he declares!
See the worst of the worst in-flight behavior - the bad, the worse, and the ugly!
Comfort is Key
Yes, flying through the air can be a little disorienting. But the flight attendant advises everyone to sit still in their seats and relax. What is this person doing with their feet in the air, against all advice? As one observer notes, this could never happen on a private flight!

But again, this is economy. It's not even coach! Here in the cheap seats, anything can happen. The sane and the insane alike are all qualified to buy a ticket. And now, it's time to hang out for a few hours at least!
Salon in the Sky
There's nothing like a manicure to feel refreshed and beautiful, but that doesn't seem like an economy ticket service. Whatever's going on in first-class, these travelers will never know. But today, one of them has decided to make the best of the situation. Self-care starts right now!

Filing and shaping? Check. Pushing and clipping? Yes and yes. If there is any attempt to apply a coat of polish, though, this might finally get the red light from fellow passengers. Opening a bottle is such a strong, chemical scent!
Bird's Eye View
Turkeys aren't just big chickens, despite the rumors. Scientists claim 45 million years of evolution stand between the two delicious animals. Both can only zoom around in short bursts, though. Today is historic: One turkey has decided to adapt, and evolve!

When one passenger looked back to see what all the gobbling and wobbling was about, they were greeted with this face. Right in plain sight, a turkey has decided to sit in the cabin. Takeoff with steel wings is going to be an experience, especially for this flightless bird!
Flip Her the Bird
What is this, a white parrot? Indeed it is, specifically a white cockatoo. This medium-sized talker is a native of the tropical rainforests of Indonesia. They run for around $2000 for those looking to adopt. Maybe that's why this lady kept her expensive pet close, right on board the flight!

While it may make sense from a financial perspective, it can't be fun to hear squawking for hours upon hours. Polly wants a cracker, whether or not the snack cart has any these days. Hopefully, this wasn't a flight across the ocean!
Don't Tickle Me Bro
Sure, there's a stereotype out there about dirty hippies. Those dreadlocks are never washed, so people say. Well, as it turns out, critics are not completely wrong about the matter. Stylists explain that dreads absorb bacteria mold, smoke, and pollen in the air. They're sponges, in a way!

That's ultra bad news for this passenger today. Although a seat has been purchased with standard legroom, there's a bit of an intrusion here. Creeping backwards as the flight progresses, this hairdo is just not staying in its lane. Yikes, and yuck!
Oozing at 10,000 Feet
Resisting the urge to go pimple popping is a hard one. Dermatologists tell patients not to do it at home. It can lead to permanent scarring and infection on the face! Seems like the cure might be worse than the disease. But who's keeping track, really.

Today, one traveler is unable to stop indulging in a good squeeze. Just a little bit of pressure and a lot of throbbing pain will be relieved in no time. People are just an arm's length away, only in every direction. Hopefully, nothing flies out of this one!
What's That Smell
Sure, feet can get pretty sweaty after a hectic run to the airport. After formal boarding, passengers can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Today, though, they are going to be inhaling an aroma they never expected. And it's all thanks to this innovative gentlemen, utilizing the central air!

People here are trying to believe their in-flight sandwiches are appetizing. It's no four-star restaurant, but it's usually edible. Only one thing could induce vomiting, and it's happening slowly and steadily. Blowing foot stench all over the cabin is no way to dine in!
Wet and Wild
There's no way to do laundry in the air, for most people. But this passenger isn't most people. He's pretty inventive, and he's decided to make use of all time and all available space for efficiency. Hanging up wet clothes to dry on the plane is an obvious solution! Why haven't more travelers figured this one out?

Perhaps it's against the social code. If he thinks no one noticed they are now surrounded by drips from above, he is probably wrong. It's only been 15 minutes, but a revolt is coming!
Happy Feet
This just in: Scientists have discovered around 200 types of fungi living on human feet. To break it down further, they found 80 types in the heel, 60 in toenail clippings, and 40 in between toes. Yes, the feet are genuine colonies of all kinds of junk!

With all that new knowledge, it's easy to understand how frightening this flight truly is. Today, one passenger is getting up close and personal with a pair of strange feet. Is this what she signed up for? Unlikely. But now, there's no escape! Hours of gnarly tow action, coming right up.
All Pooped Out
Sure, most folks try to get some shut-eye in their seats. But there is one sitting area no one talks about as a comfortable alternative. The toilet of the air may just be seen as a place to relax the bowels. But there is endless relaxation potential, and it's currently underrated!

With a neck rest, it's almost easy to ignore the stinky situation and get some z's. At least for this fellow, anyway! Is the flight attendant amused to find the sneaky napper, though? By the looks of it, not really!
Double Trouble
Modern life can be hectic: Workaholics fly all over the world to get the job done, these days. To get that extra labor in, there's much to do on the flight itself. Here, one man decided to multiply his effectiveness with two computers. There's just one little problem for his seatmate!

Sure, it makes sense to use all available space on a cramped plane. But it seems this frequent flier has gone too far! Balancing his second screen on someone else's tray is terrible form. What a vacation villain!
No Pain, No Gain
According to fitness experts, taking just a few weeks off from exercising won't ruin strength. Humans really have about a month to get lazy before things start taking a real hit. Good news, for most people. Athletes lose muscle faster though! Is this old man just a jock at heart?

Perhaps he is. Pushups on the floor do seem like a good use of space. Unless of course, there are other people on the flight. Or pilots. Or flight attendants. What are the odds that he is not actually alone on board?
That 1,000 Yard Stare
According to actor Nick Offerman: “Let the others go first. At the airport, at the grocery store, at the Pleasure Chest (hey-o!). The calmer I become, the more I enjoy my day. The more I enjoy my day, the more people enjoy me and the more they want to see me in my enjoyment.” And who would have guessed it, but here he is!

A funny man, fans agree. But there's just no way to escape the terror of getting stuck next to him on a flight. His heart may be in the right place. But that signature gaze is pure terror, on the ground or in the air!
Monkey See, Monkey Do
Scientists have confirmed that humans share more than 90% of their DNA with primates. Monkeys are cousins, even if the good looks aren't shared! There's a lot in common, behaviorally: Curious critters, they love to explore and investigate how things work. Today, one monkey is both bored and on board.

The lights and vents above are pretty intriguing. After all, there's nothing quite like it in the jungle. A quick check reveals where all that sudden air is coming from, and why things got so chilly. This little thinker isn't just monkeying around!
Secret Stowaway
It's hard enough to have arguments about service dogs and emotional support ponies on public transportation, these days. But here, someone may have tried to bring on a very different critter to enjoy the flight. And now, it has escaped into the aisle!

A giant spider on the loose is no fun to see outside, or inside. But trapped in a narrow metal tube, it's probably even less welcome. One brave traveler was able to trap it inside an even more narrow can. Thankfully so: The itsy bitsy spider this is not!
Pod Life
People may joke about it, but the life of a germophobe is a constant challenge. It's not possible to just opt out, when sticky situations appear. Crowded spaces are required to work and participate in life, and microbes are everywhere. Absolutely everywhere!

This woman has taken a creative approach to avoid all that nasty second-hand air on board. Flights are full of sneezes, coughs, and recirculation. It's downright terrifying for those who like things sterile. Inside this plastic contraption, nothing will be bothering her during the trip. Very innovative!
Doing Laundry 30,000 Feet in the Air
Now we all forget to do our laundry from time to time. Who wants to start a whole new cycle for one measly shirt or a pair of socks? It wastes water, laundry detergent, and time. It’s better to wash and dry them naturally.

The guy in the picture above knows what we’re talking about. Instead of wasting all that washing machine electricity for a pair of socks, he took advantage of being 30,000 feet in the air to let natural sunlight do the trick
Best Foot Forward
It's hard to say what is the dirtiest thing out there, but doorknobs usually make the list. Imagine all the hands involved with just one! Of course, smartphones are at the top of the same list. More than 25,000 bacteria per square inch are on that screen. All the time, all those germs.

But has anyone really thought about the in-flight touch screens? This photo shows that a good wipe down might be necessary before enjoying all the movies on board. Strangers out there are using toes, and it isn't an illegal act yet!
Snakes on a Plane
Zoologist is a commendable profession, everyone would agree. Few go into the field, though. Maybe it's just hard to live a normal life and travel with so much responsibility for the creatures. What's an animal researcher supposed to do, when they want to have fun in the sun?

Obviously, the answer is smuggling. Here, all the precious snakes and lizards are alive in bottles and bags. Scary stuff! Whoever was unlucky enough to hear the hissing from the above stage compartment probably gave this person away. Check that poisonous bag, and remove it quick!
Plastic Spastic
Sure, it can be scary to travel during the time of COVID-19. Experts advised going maskless, at first. Then, they mandated them! Here, one passenger has decided to go one step further than the controversy. Encased completely in a bag, he has a novel plan to survive the germs!

Some might say it's a bit excessive to travel in a bubble. Some might call it totally OCD. But this fellow doesn't care, since it doesn't violate any rules. To each his own, he shouts, even if it's a bit weird!
Say Cheese
As they say, you're never fully dressed without a smile. Hollywood seeks the best of the best, in this department for the movies. And pearly whites are the first thing that others notice, up close and personal. Today, there has been a real dental disaster, discovered during cleanup. Whose teeth are these?

Undoubtedly an old person is missing their chompers. Why the separation? It may have just been more comfortable to take them out for the flight. But forgetting them on board is an amateur mistake. Dentures are not cheap to misplace!
Screen Test
Flying can be a temperature nightmare. Going from one hot, tropical destination to a cold city across the world requires a little wardrobe prep. This woman decided to bring a jacket, just in case the runway is chilly. But where is she supposed to store it, for now?

Clearly, her solution has annoyed another flier. For many, free movies are the best part of a flight! Here, the trip is ten hours. Under normal conditions, that means at least three or four titles can be accomplished. But so far with this blockage, it's not happening at all!
Totally Pissed
The airplane bathroom is pretty tiny, compared to what most people are used to. It may be one step up from a port-o-potty, but not very far! For parents flying with kids, it's probably too cramped for assistance inside. Why not plan ahead with a mobile pee station instead?

Here, one family on board did exactly that. But did they do the right thing and dispose of the evidence? Of course not. Right in the corner, open urine is sloshing around for all to see and experience. If there is any turbulence on this flight, things are bound to get slippery!
Hello, Cello
Classical music may have gone out of style as mainstream entertainment, but there are still those who practice their craft. The violin is easy enough to transport on a bus, a plane, or a train. Even a bike! But what about the rest of the players in the symphony? Surely, they travel too!

Here, a cello professional tried to be considerate. He bought an extra ticket for his instrument — really, his baby. It seems the flight attendants didn't like the idea of not checking it with the rest of his luggage. But someone let him pay for it, and the deed is done!
Boxers or Briefs
What kind of underwear does a man really prefer? There's no question like it, and the answer is out in the open today. One flier is not interested in hiding the truth under his shorts anymore. He wants everyone to know he is a boxers kind of guy. And not just plain-colored, either!

What kind of print is it, though? Tiny moose, or a polo player on a horse? The design could be improved. But as long as they are visible to horrified passengers, they work as a good reservation item to steal this seat!
Feet in the Air, Head on the Ground
To each their own as they say – but, whoever “they” are never stepped foot on a plane! In these tightly-compact shared spaces, each personal choice affects everyone else. For example, deciding to sleep with your (bare) feet in the air.

Unless this woman is in the back row with no one behind her, that’s not something the passenger in the back wants to be staring at on a multi-hour flight. Plus, once the AC starts blowing, it’s likely to spread that foot stench all over the place. Yuck!
It's a Bird, It's a Plane
Sometimes, sharing is caring. Sometimes, things are better together. Both can be a great way to bond and make new friends. This is not one of those times! A large object has appeared above the heads of other passengers on the flight. How do they feel about this big, bold intrusion?

A great question, and it's time for some answers. Everyone has their preference. But this time, they're really not being asked. The decision to bring this on board must violate some TSA rule. And if not, it's high time to write some new ones! How did an XL, one-eyed monster even sneak in without a ticket?
Bad Hair Day
Whether it's United Airlines or JetBlue, most companies have free movies to watch during flights. American Airlines also lets travelers stream entertainment to a phone or tablet if, they prefer. Today, this victim might just have to take them up on their offer!

Inconsiderate as it may be, the female flier has decided to block his view. She has no plans to let a trip ruin her 'do, and she's letting her locks go wild. For now, he has a book for fun. But a few hours in, and things could get hairy!
Total Douchebag
Sometimes, it's hard to hold it in. The line for a public bathroom might not line up with the timeline of everyone waiting. What's a full bladder to do, when times get tough? On one flight, the answer was found. Unfortunately, the bag, was, too!

Without gloves, the sad job of collecting passenger trash has fallen to this flight attendant today. Perhaps it wasn't clear when she first picked it up. But held up in the bright lights, there's no denying it. No one would blame her if she is pissed off!
Pearly White Flight
According to the American Dental Association, people really should brush their teeth twice a day for two minutes each time — and with fluoride toothpaste, as the best bet. Here, one traveler is just doing his best to take their advice. On long flights, there is bound to be mouth gunk building up!

The observer in this case was actually a dentist. He was happy to see a member of the public taking tooth hygiene seriously. Few do, in truth! But it's a little gross, right here in the aisle. Try the bathroom next time, buddy!
Sleepy or Creepy
Sure, airplane seats are a little stiff. And not everyone is capable of sleeping in the same position, in general. Some people prefer being on their backs all night, while others require a trip down memory lane to the fetal position. Here, a secret space was found to toss and turn in the sky!

Peacefully napping in the overhead compartment, this guest has overstayed his welcome. Everyone is gone already, except for him! Luckily, the flight attendant discovered him before the plane flew away to the next city. A true professional she is, and talented!
There's No Escape Now
What happens in an emergency, up in the sky? According to the law: ''Each required passenger emergency exit must be accessible to the passengers and located where it will afford the most effective means of passenger evacuation.'' Fair enough, as a concept. But are people on board supposed to use it, willy nilly?

One crazed man has decided to leap out of the plane in midair. It's totally not allowed, as many would expect. The captain is not having it, also as many would expect. Conflict ensues, all captured on film!
Hair Scare
Everyone's been there before. It's time for takeoff, and there's nothing to read besides those in-flight glossy magazines. Usually, it's a trick: They're just ads for gadgets no one wants or needs! This fellow is absolutely ready to browse all kinds of products he never desired before.

Yet, he has been thwarted! What kind of monster invades another person's tray space like this? There is just no way to access the goods with all that hair in the way. Soon enough, the TSA will ban long locks. But today is not that day, sir!
Nightmare in the Air
It's no easy task to get shut-eye on a flight. It can be uncomfortable to sleep upright, especially in rigid economy seats. First-class is probably a bit better, but more than a bit more expensive. People settle for what they can afford. But was terror part of the package deal?

Here, one flier woke up to see this googly-eyed monster staring right back at them. Getting back to reality, it's clear a child is just trying to have a bit of fun. But in the haze right after dreamworld, it can be hard to tell!
Too Close for Comfort
It's not fun snoozing upright, for the human body. On a plane, there is an option to slightly tilt the seat back for relaxation. But it's still less than relaxing, for most. Engineers did their best to maximize space. But still, there seems to be one area of oversight they missed!

When one flier leans back, it's a smoosh party! Now passenger number two has even less room. Should he trap the person behind him as well? Hopefully soon, he will notice he can just scoot over one seat!
Relax, Don't Do It
Time for a real meal on board in the sky. Kick back, put your feet up, they said. Take off your shoes and let things air out, they advised. Or did they? Actually, they did not. And this woman needs to stop claiming they did!

This is an ugly situation, and everyone is trapped. Not only does she not have the decency to keep her socks on, she is touching things in the cabin with her twinkle toes. No one consented to this in the fine print! Flight attendants, is this allowed?
If the Shoe Fits
According to some intriguing stats, the average height for an American man is around 5 feet 9 inches tall. Perhaps airplanes were designed with this in mind. But an average means there are plenty of people above and below a number. This giant is having real trouble with the suggested legroom!

It's tough being too big, sometimes. A solution for this trip found, though. He simply stretches his legs forward, onto the armrests ahead. As long as no one has purchased the seat, it might just work out for a few ergonomic hours!
Modern Art Show
A lot has changed since the days of Michaelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci. Pop art legend Andy Warhol once explained: ''An artist is somebody who produces things that people don't need to have.'' Today, one youngster has taken his words to heart. What has been produced here, against the will of the airlines?

Skeptics might call this a scribbly mess. But the young visionary clearly has his own ideas about aesthetics. Using every color of the rainbow, he has made Jackson Pollack look simple. And like all genius, it's rarely appreciated in its time. What are the odds this didn't result in a fat fine?
Birds Take Flight
Not really the average flight, is it? The passengers all seem to have one thing in common, and it's more than just their feathers and blindfolds. They seem to all be destined for one place: When a Saudi Prince orders 80 falcons to be transported, he goes with United Arab Emirates luxury. Thanks, Etihad Airways!

It looks like they have been made as comfortable as possible, under the circumstances. But what about the human passengers, seated nearby? All the squawking must be driving them crazy. And there's no turning back, at this point!
Hush Little Baby
It's an unconventional move, but Japan Airlines wants to help passengers who want to avoid crying babies. The company explained: "Passengers traveling with children between 8 days and 2 years old, who select their seats on the JAL website will have a child icon displayed on their seats on the seat selection screen.'' The farther away, the better!

This is no Japanese Airlines flight, though. The captain himself has come ouut of his little room to see what he can do about the commotion. With his signature technique, he calms the disturbance. Lullabies are powerful things, even on a plane!
Ruff Ruff, Captain!
This passenger seems unable to stay in his seat. Sniffing around, licking other passengers, and even barking at times, this cannot be the first-class relaxation anyone paid for. And what's more, he has wandered all the way up to the pilot. A distraction, to be sure. And against all regulations, too!

Now, it seems he is even impersonating the pilot himself. In many states, that's a serious crime. Pretending to be any type of airline employee can a person in jail for up to three years. The only question is, are doggos exempt?
The Bold and the Bottled
The corona pandemic really led to a lot of new, strange sights at airports around the world. With mask requirements and shaky science rumors, some contraptions were pretty Twitter-worthy. Exhibit A! Woe be unto the person who has to sit next to these space wasters.

At the Hong Kong MTR, one family is seen strolling through the halls with a virus innovation never formally recommended by anyone. Giant plastic bottles cover their heads, and it doesn't look like they were designed for comfort! These extreme measures may seem odd. But still, better than nothing?
Sleepy, Dreamy, Famous
It turns out that Nicholas Cage is quite willing to travel with the little people. This woman is pretty energetic upon discovering her seat buddy. What about Nick, though? This might just be the flight from hell for an actor trying to relax in between the camera attacks.

Legend says a new Cage meme is created with every photo. And this seemingly mundane event is no different. The actor looks groggy and worn down, with little personal space. He only half realizes he's about to be on the internet, yet again. Maybe that's why he's cooperating!
Paper Or Plastic?
Pictures of people wearing crazy face masks made from God knows what has been appearing everywhere online. Social media has quite the collection, it seems! This family has made it to the hall of fame, surely. What a strategy, right? The frightened passengers on board will have to weigh in on that one, and soon.

A close look reveals that man, woman, and child are covered in giant bags, plastic to be safe. Is it 100% safe? No way, Jose. Is it 100% creative? For sure! Bon voyage, brave mystery family.
Orange You Funny
Worldwide shortages of good quality face masks have caused all kinds of innovation. Chinese locals started to take desperate measures to fight COVID-19, and many decided anything was better than nothing. This man found solace in an orange! Will he make the flight more fragrant, in a few minutes?

Maybe. But he is more likely to inspire terror from the children. Perhaps he can explain his plan to ward off infection with vitamin C. Probably not foolproof, but necessity is the mother of invention. An orange a day keeps the doctor away, so they say! Or do they?
Darth Vader Arrives
Darth Vader made his way to arrivals, right to his faithful stormtroopers. They were more than pleased to see their leader arrive, and greeted him with enthusiasm. They even have a cute little sign! But realistically, this passenger must have been pretty freaky for those traveling on board.

Truthfully, no one really knows how the dark lord of Star Wars would behave on an airplane. It's not his usual mode of transportation, given all the high tech. But with an obvious history of world domination, murder, and space mischief, few want to find out in first-class!
Happy Feet on Board
When exotic bird hunters poached these Humboldt penguins, conservationists were alarmed. Luckily, they caught on and decided to send home the little guys back home. Normally, they live in South Africa. But how can they quickly get back to their natural habitat?

Option one would be to send them home on a boat. But that takes oh-so-long. Instead, someone purchased tickets for a plane, a hobby they don't usually get to do as flightless birds. The TSA treated these waddlers with dignity, as they should. But there's going to be a problem very soon. Wild animals are not potty trained!
A Noble Protest
Now this one was a close call. In this case, passengers were saved from a trip sitting by this semi-naked lady. What is she doing, dressed like that in public, and right in front of the children? As it turns out, there was a method to her madness. She gave an interview when she was barred from the flight!

Like many people secretly want to, this woman is calling out the TSA. She hasn't enjoyed the pat-downs since 9-11, and she is making it known in a way that cannot be ignored. Not today, TSA!
Put a Cap on it
As Coldplay once sang: ''I took my turn. What a thing to have done. And it was all yellow.'' Was this grammy-winning Britsh group referring to this picture, right here? The evidence is in, right on the plane seat. Someone brave needs to own it!

But it's unlikely to happen, at this point. There are any number of reasons a man may take an unconventional whiz on the go. But the water bottle technique is usually reserved for long road trips without bathrooms for miles. On a plane, there's really no excuse!
Just Poking Around
Personal space can be a tricky thing, on crowded public transportation. Whether it's the subway or the bus, there are always strange arms and legs around. On planes, passengers pay a premium to have their very own seats. But that doesn't stop nosy neighbors, does it?

Some people just don't respect boundaries. On a plane, there are clearly define seats and aisles. Here, someone has decided to invade the back row. Hands-off is a good rule of thumb, with all strangers. And in a confined space, it's never been truer!
Pissing Everyone Off
It's to hard to understand the daily challenges of being a parent in the toddler years. Observers can be judgemental, without realizing some moms and dads are just doing the best they can. For example, at age three, kids need to wee around 12 times a day. How does that work out, on a long flight?

In this case, it worked out right in the aisle. In plain view, horrified onlookers are witnessing a toilet trip up closer and personal. It's outrageous! But potty training waits for no one. Better in a seat than on the seat, right?
A Mid-Flight Dropping of the Drawers
Flights are communal spaces where people eat, sleep, stretch, and go to the bathroom. However, sometimes people get confused. They forget that the eating and stretching space isn’t the same as the go-to-the-bathroom space.

That’s our charitable interpretation of what happened with the person in this picture. But, in all honesty, we’re not entirely sure of the reason behind this mid-flight dropping of the drawers. Are we the weird ones for body shaming, or is this an example of something that should be confined to the airplane’s restroom?
Falling Asleep on (Another Person’s) Mom
Well we all get tired on planes, right? It’s kind of absurd to assume people will sit still, eyes open, for their 12-hour transcontinental flight. That being said, there are rules of etiquette for how to sleep on a plane. Pretty high up on that list of rules is the following: don’t sleep on strangers.

The guy in the picture above missed the memo, but we can’t blame him – it’s never included in the pre-flight safety procedures. Maybe they need to add that after what you should do for a water landing.
Laying out the Work Shoes to Dry
Shoes take quite the beating over a long workday. They’re consistently stepped on and squished together as they walk over concrete streets, panel floors, and the occasional carpet. It’s no wonder that they need a bit of rest time – as do our feet!

Who doesn’t love the feeling of letting your bare feet breathe a little? Which is to say, we understand why the guy in the picture above took off his shoes and socks – but that doesn’t mean we’d be ok in the next seat!
An Aggressive Manspreading
Men can sometimes think that the world belongs to them. This can come in the form of dominating a conversation by trying to explain everything (i.e. mansplaining), or dominating a shared space by stretching just a little too far (i.e. manspreading).

To be fair, some cases of manspreading are due to anatomy – some things need to breathe and taller-than-average guys can’t squeeze into airplane seats as easily as those of average height. We aren’t sure of this guy’s reasoning, but next time around, we suggest paying for extra legroom.
High Heels and a Hat in the Overhead Compartment
The title says it all. Who puts high heels and a hat in the overhead compartment? Those compartments are very limited in space and meant for proper suitcases and backpacks. This passenger could have worn the hat and put the shoes on the ground.

We imagine the hat and heels were put up top because they were important items to be carefully stowed. If that’s the case, then the overhead compartment is a terrible spot to choose! What happens if that suitcase to the right swerves over during the flight?
Heartbreak on a Plane
Romantic breakups seem to build up over time before reaching the point of no return, and it can be difficult to control when that moment comes. Although there’s no perfect place or moment to break up, generally, private places with open space are best.

An airplane is the complete opposite of that – it’s a shared space that is tightly confined. More than that, the two who just broke up will be sitting next to each other for the next few hours. Our hearts go out to both of them, they’re in for a rough ride.
The Loud Video Game Player
Video games can suck you into their world so deeply that you forget that there’s another world out there – the real world. That real world is full of people trying to enjoy a quiet flight on a plane as they cruise through the sky. However, sometimes the two worlds meet.

For the unlucky passengers next to the video game guy above, that “meeting” of the two worlds came through the sounds of an incredibly loud video game that lasted for six hours. Next time, we suggest some headphones.
Spilling the Cheese Puffs
One of the nice things about childhood is the fact that you don’t care about messes. If there’s a stain – grass, food, drinks, whatever – on a shirt, you don’t think twice about it because your level of shame is low.

Considering how image-conscious adults can be, something is refreshing about that outlook – but there’s also something a little disgusting about it! Rather than lay down a napkin to catch the orange crumbs, this boy let them fall onto a green shirt without a worry. He was too engrossed in the movie to care.
Broken Foot on a Table
Now, here’s something you never hear people say: you know what’s missing from this table? A foot! The reason people don’t say that is because feet are dirty, and it’s best not to bring that dirt to the table where food is placed.

We imagine the two people above know each other because it’s hard to imagine someone being ok with a stranger resting their foot like that. Although they might be ok with it, will the next person who eats from the table be ok with it?
Standing Up for What You Believe in
People on planes stand for many reasons. They stand to check the overhead luggage, to stretch their legs a bit, or to wait for the bathroom. The man in the picture below, however, stood up for juice.

That’s right, juice. This business class passenger was upset by the fact that the in-flight meal didn’t have orange juice, only apple juice. He took a stand for his juicy beliefs. We aren’t sure if this form of protest worked, but we hope it didn’t delay the flight too much.
Reaching Across the Aisle
If you’ve ever been on an empty plane, then you’ll agree that it’s one of the greatest things on earth! You don’t need to worry about squeezing into middle seats, waiting for the bathroom, or getting your in-flight meal last.

One of the first things people do when they realize there are only a handful of people on a flight is to pull up the armrests and stretch out. The passenger above, however, took that to a new level by stretching across the aisle instead of just the seats!
Barefoot Brush Ups
As we’ve seen from the posts above, people love to yank off their shoes and socks when they’re on planes. It feels great to let your bare feet breathe a little better. Well, it feels great for that person, not necessarily for everyone else.

The passenger who took the photo above kept feeling something brushing up against her boots. Assuming it was a laptop case, she let it go. But after the third or fourth brush up, she investigated – and found the bare feet of the passenger behind her!
Being Stared at With Baby Eyes
Bringing a baby on a plane can be a dicey decision. There’s the ever-present threat of a long bout of crying mixed with the threat of potty problems. Luckily, the baby in the picture below doesn’t have any of that.

Rather, the content-looking baby has a case of curiosity – probably more so after the baby saw a giant camera pointed at them. For some people, it’s no big deal. For others, however, it’s a bit unsettling and can make a relaxing trip difficult.
Drying Your Jeans on the Flight Attendant’s Seat
We’ve seen multiple instances of drying laundry in the posts above – from socks in the window to shoes in the neighboring seat. Although less than ideal, at least they were confined to an area that belonged to the passenger. Not the next picture, though.

This passenger roped the flight attendants into the laundry process. Their wet jeans take up half of the flight attendant’s jump seat – the seat they need to use when turbulence kicks in or the plane is about the land! That’s just rude. Time to do your laundry elsewhere.
Bare Feet on the Carpeted Wall
This one is a little less invasive than many of the previous “foot” posts. Rather than laying your broken foot on a table, or scratching the boots of the person in front of you, or laying your shoes on the armrest, this person is placing their bare feet on a carpeted wall.

No one is eating food off that wall or touching it that much. Plus, if we have to be honest, the texture of the wall probably feels great on bare feet.
Sit Back, Relax, and Put Your Sandals Up
Sometimes you just need to put your feet up. For the sake of others, we hope that time is when you’re at a deserted beach facing the ocean, or when you’re at home on a comfy couch surrounded by loved ones.

Ideally, it’s not when you’re on a plane surrounded by strangers. You may like your painted toes, but everyone else might not. We just hope there’s no one in the seat in front in case any residual sand or dirt falls off their sandals.
When You Need to Stretch
Airplane seats can scrunch up the body, so it's a great idea to stretch out a bit if you can. Most often this takes the form of taking multiple (long-legged) bathroom breaks or doing some light arm stretches in your seat.

The grandma in the picture above, however, decided to kick it up a notch. She wanted to target her upper back and chest, so she clasped her hands over her head. Understandable, but not the best in terms of space for the passenger behind her.
You’ve Seen the Movie “Hair”, Right?
Airplane movies are a great way to stay entertained while on a multi-hour flight. As you get engrossed in the characters and plot, the time flies by until, soon enough, you hear the landing announcement. It’s perfect!

Well, it’s perfect if you can actually see the movie. Although we feel bad for the person who snapped the photo, we aren’t entirely sure what the woman blocking the view should do.
That’s why we recommend bringing a book on an airplane – no one can block the view.