You’ll find iconic doppelgänger pictures floating all around the internet. But do you know what's even more appealing than a person who has the appearance of a Hollywood star? An infant who resembles one. Adorableness multiplies when you see a celebrity look-alike of miniature proportions.

Many infants around the world indeed bear a passing resemblance to a famous person, but the babies in this article are strikingly similar to their famous look-alikes. You might confuse the two if the chubby cheeks and drool-covered chins didn’t give the babies away.
Mini-John Legend
Sometimes infants resemble mature adults, while other times, they merely resemble much younger copies of familiar faces. This snapshot of a baby was posted to social media by a relative who compared him to John Legend. It's evident from these two pictures why. The baby's eyes and nose are identical.

Even their cheeks are similar! The smaller one just has more baby fat. The baby's outfit is the only noticeable difference between these two pictures. Of course, we might be biased because a baby in a tuxedo would be too cute for words.
An Even Smaller Version of Danny Devito
The parents of this infant shared a photo of him on the internet. Although the infant appears to have just finished eating, he looks strikingly similar to a particular star of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Since it is commonly said that infants resemble miniature versions of older people, this makes sense, given that Danny DeVito will soon turn 78.

The baby virtually looks identical to the well-known comedian on the right, down to the hairstyle and the grin. Their eyes and eyebrows are even incredibly similar. Our educated guess is that this infant will retain his cuteness well into adulthood.
Gandalf the Toddler
In the Lord of the Rings films, Gandalf's death led to his resurrection, appearing exactly the same as before. In contrast, if he had been brought back when he was considerably younger, he would have looked like this. A close friend of the baby's parents noticed the striking likeness between the two.

We can't say for sure if he enjoyed the films, but the similarities are striking. There are several similarities between the two. In this side-by-side comparison, you can see that they have not only similar eyes and wrinkles but also similar expressions on their faces.
Little Chef Ramsey
This infant bears a striking resemblance to the well-known chef Gordon Ramsey, shown here on the right. His parents must have agreed because they uploaded a photo of him to social media. They seem identical down to the hair, wrinkles, and stone-cold glare.

It's not hard to imagine this toddler throwing a tantrum and breaking some dishes because he doesn't like what's on his plate. We can only pray that he isn't too picky about his baby food. Even the onesie this baby is wearing is a perfect match for Ramsey’s chef uniform.
A Jay-Z Look-Alike Is Born
Similarities are not hard to spot here. It looks like Jay-Z was downsized to infant size before the shot was taken. The infant has the same expression on his face that the rapper often rocks on the red carpet. On this tiny tough man, it's even cuter.

Everything about them is identical, including their eyes, lips, and nose. What this tiny kid was up to at the time this picture was taken is a mystery. Perhaps he's just attempting to maintain his character's demeanor, but he doesn't seem thrilled.
Another British Cook Look-Alike
We've already seen a baby who looks like the bold British chef Gordon Ramsey; this one looks like the gentler Jamie Oliver. Their startling similarities stem primarily from their eyes and hair.

The baby's hair adds a nice touch, but perhaps he hasn't grown into it yet; after all, he appears to have more hair than the famous chef. Can someone please tell us what kind of baby shampoo this child uses? Though the famed chef is recognized for his charisma on TV, his counterpart has a more infectious smile.
Tiny Putin
Someone pointed out that this infant looks just like the Russian leader Vladamir Putin. He may not be the best celebrity to be compared to, but the resemblance is striking. Besides having nearly identical skull shapes, their faces are practically indistinguishable from one another.

Maybe this is how the ex-KGB agent appeared when he was a little child, long before the fall of the Soviet Union. People quickly pointed out that this little guy seems far cuter, though. Compared to his warmongering counterpart, this kid gives off a more thoughtful impression.
Cute Little Kid Resembles Kevin from The Office
Kevin from The Office already has the demeanor of a giant kid. However, it is unclear which of the two is being imitated. Even if Kevin tries his hardest throughout the series, we all agree that the expression was worn best by the infant on the left.

Kevin does get props for his hairdo, which we assume he has been sporting for much longer. That's about the extent of the resemblances; in the toddler stage, we're betting that their personalities will be more alike than their appearance.
Another Wallace Shawn Look-Alike
We think every newborn resembles Wallace Shawn at some point, but that's a sidebar we're not going to get into right now. The infant in the photo on the left has a few more traits in common with the well-known actor and star. One obvious similarity is that they share a nose and general facial structure.

This infant lacks the typical newborn puffiness in his cheeks, making him resemble Shawn. Several other striking similarities between the two make us wonder whether this isn't, in fact, the celebrity's son.
Royal Blood Found
Though this celebrity is slightly younger than the others we've mentioned, the resemblance is striking all the same. After seeing a picture of Prince George, a godparent shared this snapshot of their godchild. Both have brown eyes and identical hair styles. Perhaps the most endearing aspect of this picture is the baby's expression.

Even his little finger is pointing at the image. Of course, he's ecstatic; it's not every day that someone discovers they look like a real-life royal. Perhaps a film script is waiting to be written about this!
The Baby Conan O'Brien
The first thing that caught our attention about this photo was the hair on this tiny man. The second is that the only fundamental similarity between them is their hair, which makes them unlike many other pairs on this list.

Conan is a much-loved late-night host, so we consider it only fair that he has a little version of himself. Indeed, we must take back what we said previously. They share more in common than their striking hair. They also both have blue eyes and charming grins.
Philip Seymour Hoffman but Tiny
It's clear that this kid has studied the expressions of his famous look-alike, as he mimics him almost perfectly in this photo. And that's not even close to being the only parallel. The baby's hair looks exactly like Philip Seymour Hoffman's, except for that one cute strand at the front.

Similarities in the size and shape of their heads, eyes, and noses are also present. Yet, some people pointed out that this infant resembles another well-known star. We’ll let you decide if the bub in this snapshot looks like Matt Damon or not.
An Early Showbiz Icon
A lot of similarities can be seen in these two pictures. Someone uploaded the left picture after observing that the baby resembled an early cinema star. The trademark curls aren't the only thing they have in common. The little girl also has Shirley Temple's eyes and grin. Although we know the actress was older when she first gained fame and acclaim, they appear to be the same age in this photo.

When the image on the left was published, several observers noticed the striking similarities between the two. The child actually has longer eyelashes than her more well-known counterpart.
The Tiny Human Version of Mr. Stay-Puft
Here, on the right, you can see the original Mr. Stay-Puft. In the movies, he plays the part of a giant, supernatural marshmallow creature, which is appropriately eerie. Though they have a striking resemblance, especially in their lovely grins, the two are very different.

Relative to his cartoon self, we find this tiny boy to be quite endearing. While there are some similarities between the two, they give off completely different feelings. Compared to the photo on the left, which just shows a baby being a baby, the one on the right is slightly unsettling.
Mrs. Doubtfire – the Baby Version
Though Robin Williams' Mrs. Doubtfire was a fictional character, this is probably what she would have appeared like as a little child. The resemblance is eerily striking, and the glasses are a brilliant finishing touch.

The photo on the left, however, appears to be somewhat dated and may have been taken before the debut of the iconic film, making this young girl the first Mrs. Doubtfire. We're curious whether this child now resembles Mrs. Doubtfire or the late comedic actor Robin Williams.
Miniature Victor Garber
Some users noted that the child in the photo did not resemble actor Victor Garber, yet we see many similarities between the two. Although their heads are slightly different in shape, they are otherwise identical. There is a high degree of similarity between the facial features.

Because these characteristics aren't typically found together, our comparison stands out in specific ways. But we have to admit that we like the baby clothing on the right better than Garber’s tux. A red bow tie adds a dash of charisma – that much is true.
Little Nathan Lane
Actor Nathan Lane stands out from the crowd with his distinctive appearance. The baby on the left appears to be mimicking the ironic smile perfectly. The child also has the actor's hair and eyes. Nathan Lane is well-known for his role as the voice of Timon in The Lion King.

But he has been in Hollywood for nearly 40 years and has appeared in several films. Maybe this little kid will grow up to be an A-list movie star thanks to his stunning good looks. If not, we hope he maintains the same sardonic grin as his famous double.
A Miniature Version of Chris Farley
You're missing out if you haven't seen any of Chris Farley's films. It's appropriate that his look-alike is a baby because he had some great hits in the '90s. Babyfaces are nothing new to him, as evidenced by the photo, and the little kid on the left gives an excellent impression of him.

He even has the wild hair that the actor is known for. The shirt seems like something Farley would wear unironically in one of his classic roles. Maybe this kid will grow up to charm us with his unique sense of humor too. We can only hope!
A Tiny Duplicate of Simon Pegg
Why do these two pictures make us feel so cozy and happy inside? Simon Pegg is an actor and comedian who always has a bright disposition, but the baby on the left is truly something special. We can't quite put our finger on what it is about the two that’s so similar, but we know they're alike.

Maybe it's due to the way their heads are shaped. It's cool to see a miniature version of the legendary actor. Incredible as it is to see the little guy's face light up when he snaps a picture, seeing him in action in a photograph is even better. We do not doubt that his bright disposition will help him succeed.
Similar but Different
Because of a post comparing him to a character in the Austin Powers film series, this poor kid was doomed from the start. True, most babies born bald do resemble "Mini-Me," but only in a general way. Thankfully, the baby does not have the trademark scar on his head.

Its eyes are the same color and form as Mini-Me, and that's really the only similarity between the two. Aside from that, this child is even cuter than its celebrity doppelganger.
The Baby Version of Bill Maher
Talk show presenter and political commentator Bill Maher has a little doppelganger, or so it seems. Even if they don't look exactly alike, they have the same eyes, and perhaps when this kid gets older and gets some hair, they'll look even more alike.

Several commenters quickly pointed out a striking resemblance between the little kid and another famous face. Many commenters noted that the infant resembles actor Bill Murray; with more reflection, we must admit that he also resembles Bill Maher. In any case, all three share some similarities.
Very Confusing
Just in case you recognize his face but don't know his name, Karl Pilkington is a British host, actor, and comedian. This infant nails Pilkington's signature bewildered expression better than the guy himself. The baby strongly resembles his famous look-alike in his eyebrows, mouth, and forehead.

This is one of the cutest baby faces we've seen, which makes us question whether Pilkington didn't just steal his schtick from another adorable little kid. After the photo was uploaded, many commenters quickly pointed the similarities out.
Resembling Corey Feldman of the 1980s
If you're unfamiliar with the actor on the right, his name is Corey Feldman, and he was a major star in the teen film industry of the 1980s. There are some striking similarities between the two, especially in their hair and eyes, but we can't help but think that the baby on the left resembles another child star more. The same point was made by other commenters as well.

The little kid looks like a miniature Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter series. The longer we stare at the picture on the left, the more we agree with the Hermione comparison than the Feldman one.
Phil From Rugrats
Imagine these parents' shock when they saw a resemblance between their child and Phil Deville from Rugrats, a truly iconic show. Also, would you look at that gorgeous hair for a second? I don't think we've ever seen cuter infant hair than that.

That hair looks just like the style rocked by his animated double on the right. When compared side by side, they also have the same knowing grin. Perhaps the eyes are different, but it's impossible to tell in the cartoon because Phil's eyes aren't given much detail.
Mini Garth Algar
The boys' glasses obviously play a significant role in the similarities. However, there are other similarities between them as well. First, the baby's face looks a lot like Garth Algar from Wayne’s World.

Just look at their beautiful blue eyes; they're as endearing as they are strikingly similar to Algar's. In addition, we can't help but compare this baby's hair to Algar's. Nonetheless, it could simply be a coincidence that their hair is the same shade.
A Miniature Copy of Rapper Ja Rule
You can be excused if you have no idea who Ja Rule is. His rap career began in 1999, and the rapper remained active until the 2000s. Though we haven’t heard much from Ja Rule recently, his miniature counterpart has inspired us to revisit his discography. It's difficult to deny the parallels between the two.

The baby's head and eyes resemble those of the once-famous rapper. Maybe one day, he'll be able to continue where Ja Rule left off with his rapping career. Or perhaps he'll distance himself once he sees the comparison photographs online.
The Iconic Face of MAD Magazine
You haven't lived until you've seen the guy on the right, and I can't stress that enough. The man in the poster is Alfred E. Newman, and he was the face of MAD magazine, a humor magazine that included a wide variety of cartoons.

The little boy on the left is a dead ringer for the cartoon icon, apart from his lack of freckles. Even the space between their two front teeth is identical. Of course, the kid is far cuter than Newman was, but it's still strange to think that these two could look so much alike.
Baby Brown
The only significant difference between these two photographs is that the girl on the right is a bit older. Other than that, there aren't really many other distinctions to be made. In addition, we are aware of the older girl's name, which is Millie Bobby Brown.

She is the star of the phenomenal television series Stranger Things. Though she is only 18 years old, she is already making the most of her life, and we can only hope that one day, this kid will have the chance to do the same.
A Cuter Version of Joe Keery
Here’s another baby lookalike from the cast of Stranger Things. This time, the baby looks just like Joe Kerry. Perhaps you are more familiar with his character name, Steve. Good old Steve is hard to miss, thanks to his goofy charm.

In addition to how their hair is styled, baby and Joe both have distinct expressions on their faces. Perhaps they could round up these two kids and make a Stranger Things episode featuring tiny doppelgängers!
Ryan Gosling's La La Boy
Here is everyone's crush, Ryan Gosling, but in baby form! We are all aware that Ryan Gosling is widely regarded as one of the adored leading men that Hollywood has ever produced, and this dashing young man is an uncanny doppelgänger of the actor.

Their grins are almost identical, and the fact that they both have golden hair helps to emphasize their similarities. It is a little bit tough to believe that this child is not actually Ryan Gosling's son. The resemblance is just too strong.
Bourne Alike
It might just be this kid’s easy smile, sharp blue eyes, and square jawline, but he definitely strikes a resemblance with Matt Damon, best known for his work on the Bourne series. The kid should count himself lucky if he continues to hold Damon’s good looks.

If he does luck out and grows into a handsome young guy, he should consider a career in acting! After all, Damon’s appeal isn’t just his talent for accents or convincing muscle flexes. Either way, what a lucky bunch!
Lil’ Jimmy Dean
Watch out, everyone. This kid looks like a rebel—and at his age, you might see a tantrum or two. This kid looks as edgy as a switchblade and seems ready to turn any moment. He certainly is sporting Dean’s iconic do and surly expression.

All that’s missing is a black-and-white photo of the shot, just to get everything in line. Could we be seeing a reincarnation of the legendary star? Maybe. We’ll have to wait a few years to see if the kid can keep up.
Little Kit
There’s a great resemblance between these two, even if the one on the right isn’t potty trained. “A game of thrones” might mean something completely different to this young ‘un, who can be seen here sporting Kit Harrington’s wavy black hair and oblivious expression.

“You know nothing” might actually apply quite well here. After all, we’re looking at a literal baby. We think that the similarity might be a little reliant on the fact that the two boys were topless for their photo shoot, but that’s just us.
The businessman, celebrity, and philanthropist Alex Rodriguez is known for his record-breaking achievements, including stealing the most bases and most home runs by a New York player—and his dreamy green eyes.

We hope this little leaguer joins his doppelganger in becoming one of the greatest baseballers of all time—well, that’s a high bar to reach. Do you think he’ll turn into a power hitter like the A-Rod? Only time will tell.
The Shapeshifters
Johnny Depp is known for being able to inhabit any character, but this is just ridiculous! Oh, these are two different people, you say? But how can this be? They’re both wearing a hat! Okay, maybe there is a slight difference.

If nobody had told us, we would have assumed that the picture on the left came from Depp’s family book of memories. Maybe we’re just too used to seeing him shapeshift in every production he’s been in—or maybe it’s the hat.
Singing Their Hearts Out
Who thinks this kid has it in them to win themselves, like, a million singing and songwriting awards? We’re not sure if the kid on the left will ever end up being the “voice of a generation,” but maybe the voice of the next generation?

Quick, somebody give this baby a mic! It looks like she’s about to break into stardom! Well, maybe she won’t have her voice, but the way she’s holding her hands up like that strikes a resemblance with the superstar.
Timberlake Jr.
All the Timberlake fans in the house! These two people (who happen to both be wearing golfers’ hats) look uncannily alike—except for the beard on the right and the long hair on the left. Well, the kid has JT’s smile, right? Right?

These two are NSYNC in plenty of ways. How? Well, they’re both sporting a cheeky smile as well as a golf hat. Maybe the kid also has JT’s jawline? Too early to say. We’ll have to wait and see if this kid becomes an acting and singing renaissance man like our boy JT.
Here’s… Baby!
Imagine this baby breaking down a door with an axe and putting his little head through the crack! Whoa, that’s one strong baby! But that’s no regular drooling babe—it’s the internationally renowned movie star—Jack Nicholson!

From the way this baby is squirming and gargling, we can tell he’s ready to hone the skills necessary to earn six Golden Globe awards and an Academy Award once every decade for five decades in a row. We can just tell, okay?
Babe Of The Woods
This matchup is uncanny—or should we say “un-caddy?” Legendary golf star Tiger Woods strikes a pose with the legendary Tiger Woods, seen here on the left and on the right, respectively. They even have little red matching shirts! Aw!

The hair, the expression, the nose—this could well be one of Woods’ kids! Although he probably isn’t old enough to swing a golf club yet, he could probably help carry his dad’s sticks around or collect his golf balls from the field—to his dad’s annoyance.
Return Of The King
With a toupe like that, this kid will surely have the moves of Elvis “the pelvis” Presley to become the new King of Rock and Roll. Long live the King! We “can’t help falling in love” with this mini Elvis and his looks and style.

It turns out that Elvis is alive—and he’s a baby. We wonder if this kid will get any cheeseburger discounts if he ever stops over in Vegas. With so many biopics of the King’s life, maybe he can be cast as Elvis’ younger self.