A Young Hero, Saved an Entire School Bus Filled With His Friends

Not So Typical Day

Paul lifted his head, his nose twitching at the faint scent of something burning. His stomach churned as he scanned the bus, but no one else seemed to notice. His eyes settled on the driver, whose knuckles were white against the steering wheel. They had been on the road for ten minutes—there was no turning back now.

It was a typical Wednesday afternoon, exactly 3 PM, when 10-year-old Paul Whittiker boarded the school bus, heading home through the quiet streets of Hillsdale, Portland. A boy of habit, he followed the same routine every day. But this ride would be different. What started as an ordinary trip home was about to become an unsettling experience he would never forget.

The Usual Bus Ride

Paul’s ordinary afternoon took a dramatic turn during his usual bus ride home from school. Seated in his usual spot in the second row, he had no idea that his sharp instincts and courage would soon make him the unexpected hero of the day.

At exactly 3 PM, 10-year-old Paul settled into his seat, expecting a routine ride. However, his senses quickly picked up on an unusual, intensifying odor coming from the front of the bus. His brow furrowed with concern as he leaned forward and whispered to his seatmate, Megan.

Smell Getting Worse

Paul stared out the window, lost in thoughts of his favorite video game, when a sharp, unfamiliar odor drifted through the bus. It was harsh and stung his nostrils, unlike anything he had ever smelled before. A sense of unease settled over him as the scent grew stronger, creeping in from the front of the bus.

Glancing around, he noticed the other passengers carrying on as usual—some deep in conversation, others absorbed in their own worlds. Yet, the air felt different, heavy with something unsettling. Shifting in his seat, Paul’s pulse quickened. The smell was getting worse. Was he the only one noticing it? He turned to his friend Megan, wondering if she, too, sensed something was off.

Panic Rippled

Paul turned to Megan, his voice uneasy. "Do you smell that? Something’s not right." The 11-year-old nodded, her eyes filled with concern. A heavy, strange odor lingered in the air, wrapping around them like an invisible threat. They exchanged nervous glances, sensing that something was off.

Before they could make sense of it, the bus lurched forward without warning. Passengers were thrown in their seats as backpacks and books went flying. A wave of panic rippled through the children. Paul clutched the seat in front of him, his knuckles turning white. His heart pounded as he turned toward the front of the bus. What was going on?

Something Clearly Wrong

Panic spread among the young passengers as the bus lurched again, sending children stumbling and gasping in fear. Paul's heart pounded as he turned his gaze to the front, where the driver, Mary Govander, fought to steady the vehicle. Something was clearly wrong.

Mrs. Govander’s hands shook as she clutched the steering wheel, her face pale with fear and confusion. The bus veered from lane to lane, the tires screeching against the asphalt. Her foot hovered over the brake pedal, hesitating, as she struggled to bring the bus under control.

Panicked Bus Driver

The panicked bus driver glanced at her students through the rear-view mirror, her eyes wide with fear. Her voice shook as she tried to keep control. "Everyone, stay in your seats, okay?" she pleaded. "I've got this under control!" But Mary, her words slurred and her gaze unfocused, swayed unsteadily as the bus veered toward the side of the road.

Chaos erupted inside. The children screamed, their eyes fixed outside, desperate to see what had happened. The driver struggled to calm them, but her efforts were in vain. Meanwhile, Paul barely registered the noise around him. A strange, suffocating smell filled the air, growing stronger by the second. His heart pounded—he knew he had to act fast.

The Emergency Cell Phone

Paul reached into his backpack and pulled out the emergency cell phone his parents had given him for moments like this. With shaky hands, he dialed 911 and pressed the phone to his ear, his heart hammering against his ribs. A calm voice answered, “911, what’s your emergency?” but for a moment, Paul couldn’t find his words.

Taking a deep breath, he finally spoke. “Hello, my name is Paul. I’m a student at Hillsdale Primary School,” he stammered. His voice wavered as he continued, “Something’s wrong with my school bus! It’s jerking, and the driver looks scared.”

An Overwhelming Odor

The dispatcher remained calm, reassuring Paul while asking for his location. As he relayed the details, the bus attendant struggled to take control of the escalating situation. She pressed Paul for more information about the driver, questioning whether they had been in an accident. Meanwhile, the air grew thick with an overwhelming odor, making Paul cough as his eyes burned with tears.

A deep sense of urgency gripped Paul—something was terribly wrong, and he had to act fast. His heart pounded as he clutched the phone, his fingers trembling with both fear and determination. The operator’s steady voice echoed in his ear, grounding him as he forced the words out. “Th-the bus number is 564, and we’re on Canyon Street. Our driver is acting really weird!”

Trying To Regain Control

Tears streamed down Paul’s face as the bus lurched from side to side. Around him, his classmates struggled to stay seated, their cries filling the air. Panic gripped him as he clutched the phone. “Please, please help us,” he pleaded. His eyes darted to the bus driver, who clung tightly to the wheel, desperately trying to regain control of the swaying vehicle.

On the other end of the line, the dispatcher remained calm, aware she was speaking to a frightened child. “Stay on the line with me,” she instructed gently. Paul sniffled, wiping his eyes. “O-okay,” he whimpered. “Tell me what’s happening. Is the bus driver okay?” she asked, her voice steady and reassuring. She knew Paul was overwhelmed and that keeping him calm was the key to helping everyone on board.

Quick Response

Through tearful breaths, he struggled to explain the situation to the operator. “Our bus driver, Mrs. Govander... I think she’s lost control,” he sobbed, trying to steady his voice. The operator quickly responded, “Okay, sweetheart, is the bus still moving? What’s happening?”

“The bus is swerving all over the road, and it’s going way too fast,” he cried, his voice shaky. “Mrs. Govander... she looks confused and can’t speak.” He wiped his eyes, fighting the tears, but they kept falling. “Don’t worry, help is on the way. Stay calm, we’re sending help right now,” the operator reassured him. Paul nodded, his breaths uneven, as the fear and anxiety gripped him tighter.

Stay On The Phone

“Just stay on the phone with me and let me know what’s going on, alright?” She spoke gently to the boy. He responded with a small, “Okay.” The seconds felt like hours as he listened to the dispatcher's soothing voice on the other end of the line. Meanwhile, Mrs. Govander was still desperately trying to control the bus. It was a miracle that they hadn’t hit any other cars yet.

She looked at the children through her rearview mirror. From where he was sitting, Paul could see the woman’s eyes. An unsettling feeling bubbled within him as he watched her eyes occasionally drift closed for a few seconds at a time. What on earth was going on? He couldn’t tell if she was passing out or falling asleep. He had to tell the operator. 

Something Is Wrong

Paul’s young mind tried to unravel what was happening before him. From the looks of things, it seemed like Mrs. Govander was either sick. Paul had heard about one of his uncles who had driven while very sick. He’d ended up veering to the side of the road. Although he wasn’t harmed in any way, the consequences of his actions were great. Was that what was happening here?

Paul needed to know if the driver was sick. Did she take something that had compromised her body in one way or another? Did she miss taking a pill or shot, and now her body was shutting down? The little boy was worried out of his head, trying to figure out what was going on. “I think she’s sick,” he said into the phone. There was no way this would end well for him and his fellow students. 

Her Eyes Keep Closing

“Ma’am,” He said in between choppy breaths, “I think something is terribly wrong with Mrs. Govander. Her eyes keep closing. I think she’s sick,” He cried. “Okay,” The operator said, trying her best not to sound too panicked over the phone, “I’m going to need you to speak to her, okay? Keep her awake and see if you can get her to pull over, alright?” She instructed. 

But how could Paul do that? He pressed his phone against his ear and started across the bus, eager to get to the front. “Are you still there, ma’am?” he asked the operator. He was swaying from side to side, struggling not to fall over. “Yes, I’m here. Don’t worry,” the operator answered. “I am going to check on the driver,” Paul reported. But then the call cut off. 

The Phone Dies

Paul looked at his phone with wide eyes. He thought the call had been cancelled when, in reality, his phone’s battery had died off. It also did not help that his mom always asked him to charge the phone every Sunday night. Paul couldn’t remember the last time he’d plugged the gadget into a charger. He’d have to suffer the consequences now.  

Panic shot through Paul. “I need to help Mrs. Govander,” he whispered to ground himself. His dad had always told him that when scared or in doubt, to focus on one thing. “Sharpen your mind and focus on that one thing until you make it through,” he’d always say. Today, Paul would see how true these words were. 


With new resolve pumping through him, mixing with adrenaline and the waning fear, Paul made it to the front of the bus. “Mrs. Govander,” he called. Was she okay? The bus was still zigzagging all over the highway, its engine roaring each time Mrs. Govander stepped on the accelerator. When would this nightmare come to an end?

The closer Paul got to Mrs. Govander, the more he noticed everyone was in trouble. At the start, he’d thought she was sick. But as he got closer, he realized that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Mrs. Govander, who seemed sickly at first, was completely fine now. Her eyes were focused on the blurred road ahead as the bus weaved through traffic. She stepped on the gas and laughed. What was she doing?

They Lock Eyes

Paul didn’t know what to make of the situation. He’d been worried that the bus driver was terribly sick and needed help. He thought she’d forgotten to take something like an insulin shot and was suffering through the throes. But now, he didn’t know what to infer from the scene before him. He was still lost in thought when the woman’s eyes locked with his. 

There was a sinister fire within Mrs. Govander’s eyes as she stared at Paul through the rearview mirror. She cracked a smile, seemingly remembering that she needed her eyes on the road. Paul had never witnessed such a chilling sight before. He took a step back, plopping back down and trying to turn on his phone. He hoped, with everything within him, that the gadget would comply. 

Three Tries

It took three tries for the phone to power back on. By then, the operator had tried calling Paul back a couple of times. He was about to call back when the phone rang. It was the operator. Paul wasted no time answering. But he didn’t even get a word through before the gadget died off again. It was quickly becoming clear that it fell to him to handle this situation. 

With his heart thundering in his ears, Paul neared the driver again. He tried not to recall the look she’d given him earlier. What if she was doing this intentionally? What if she was taking him and his fellow students somewhere they’d never see the light of day again? What if she didn’t mean them any good? What if she wasn’t a good person? Paul whimpered.

Up To No Good

Paul hadn’t stopped to consider that Mrs. Govander wasn’t up to no good before. The bad smell had blanketed every corner of the bus now, punctuating the eerie thought that the woman was up to no good. The fear that had taken Paul before doubled. But so did his resolve and focus. Before, he’d wanted to help Mrs. Govander, to make sure she was alright. Now, she wanted to help his schoolmates. 

Paul’s dad had always told him to focus on one thing whenever things weren’t going as expected. Paul was doing that now. He got up from his seat, his fingers tight around the armrests as he walked back to the driver. He didn’t care if something bad would happen to him. All he wanted was to ensure the bus came to a stop safely. That is what his mind had narrowed down on. 

You Need To Be Seated

Paul went to the driver, eager to ascertain what was happening. He expected her to give him a dirty look as before, but this time, he was met with a smile. “You need to be seated,” she answered. “I don’t want you to fall over and hurt yourself.” But there was something wrong with the way she talked. “Sit down, okay?” she repeated, but Paul would not listen. 

“I need to know that everything is alright,” he said defiantly, and the woman looked at him twice before her brows furrowed. “Yes,” she said, seemingly unsure of her answer. “Everything’s fine. Now sit down.” But she wasn’t about to get rid of Paul that easily. With a good grip on the seats to stop him from wobbling about, Paul doubled down. 

Saving Them

Help was on its way, but until they got there, Paul had to try and save himself and his classmates. “Mrs. Govander,” he called again and watched as the woman opened her eyes once again, the bus still swaying and jerking as they drove. “I’m getting help, but you need to stop the bus. We have to pull to the side of the road,” He spoke loudly.

She glanced at him in the mirror. He instantly recognized the confusion in her eyes. It was like she had no idea what was going on. He tried again, repeating the same words to her until she nodded. It took a lot of effort, but as she pushed her foot into the brakes, the bus finally began slowing down, although it was still swaying from side to side. 

Keeping Her Awake

Paul continued to speak to his teacher, doing everything in his power to keep her awake. The smell was still thick in the air, making it feel like he couldn’t breathe. He wondered if this had something to do with the woman’s sudden change in behavior. The operator had managed to get on the phone with another student, who brought the phone to Paul. They guided the little boy through the ordeal as he spoke to the disoriented woman. 

“Is she pulled off to the side of the road?” She asked through the phone. Paul’s heart was thumping rapidly in his chest, “She’s trying to,” He said. Meanwhile, as he was speaking to the operator, Mrs. Govander managed to pull the bus to the side of the road. As the bus came to a stop next to the busy road, the kids all glanced at each other, scared, and confused.

Overwhelming Smell

The smell had become overwhelming and although the bus had now pulled off on the side of the road, he was still terrified of the smell. All he wanted was to go home and give his parents a hug. Nothing this scary had ever happened to him before. “Is everything alright? It sounds a lot quieter,” The operator spoke.

As Paul relayed critical information, a collective hush fell over the bus. His peers waited and watched outside. A few other drivers stopped next to the bus to see what happened. Paul held the phone in his hand. The operator assured him that help was close, but time felt like an eternity as the minutes ticked by. Would they find them in time?

Passed Out

When Paul looked up at the bus lady, she was slumped in her seat, her eyes shut and her mouth wide open. She looked like she had fallen asleep. He wondered if the smell in the air had something to do with it. He gave the operator this information, completely unaware that the bus lady had done this to herself.

Finally, the distant wail of sirens pierced the air, growing steadily louder. Relief washed over Paul as he heard the approaching rescue. Help was nearby. “I can hear sirens, I think they’re here to help us,” He told the dispatcher, who confirmed that help had in fact arrived on the scene. He told the children around him as Mrs. Govander opened her eyes once again.

Help Is Here

Within minutes, firefighters and paramedics arrived on the scene, their flashing lights and urgent voices filling the air. They quickly assessed the situation, checking the bus's ventilation system and evacuating the children to safety. It was a relief to breathe some fresh air. The children waited on the pavement for further instruction.

More sirens wailed in the distance, growing louder with each passing second. There was a detective on the way to take a report. It was a serious issue as so many children were involved. A police cruiser pulled up behind the halted bus, and Officer Sanchez approached Mary Govander, who was still sitting in the bus with glassy eyes.

More To This

Officer Sanchez was strict and solemn. She didn’t have time for any games. She jumped onto the bus. It was just her and Mrs. Govander alone on the bus. "Ma'am, I need you to step out of the vehicle," Officer Sanchez instructed firmly, a hint of concern in her voice. 

Mrs. Govander was clearly out of it as she tried to get out of her seat. It took a few attempts, but eventually, the woman managed to step out of her seat. She stood on wobbly legs, struggling to keep her eyes open. Officer Sanchez stepped out a second later, observing the woman closely. Something was up.

A Rude Woman

Mary swayed dangerously as she exited the bus. Was she disorientated from the vehicle issue? Officer Sanchez thought that something was wrong, her breath smelled funny. “Ma’am, are you alright?” But when Mrs. Govander slurred on her words, she thought she knew what the issue was. She administered a sobriety test. 

Paul, still clutching his phone, watched in awe and relief as the officer's expression shifted from concern to stern disbelief. Mary blew into a small device and waited. Mary had failed the test – she was intoxicated. She had been drinking before she got onto the bus and put all of their lives in danger. 

The Report

As firefighters investigated the source of the mysterious odor, Paul was interviewed by the authorities. The boy said, “The smell was burning my nose,” and held his hand over his face. He recounted the events leading up to his call to 911, his voice unwavering as he detailed the unsettling smell and the bus's abrupt jerking. The emergency responders praised his quick thinking and courage.

The officers at the scene inspected the bus. They opened the hood, and everything was fine. They checked the wheels and everything was also fine. But the burning smell was still prevalent in the bus. It was only when they called the mechanic to inspect, that they discovered it was from the brakes. She had hit the brakes so hard that they burned and wore away at the tire.

Bad Driver

The gravity of the situation was now apparent to everyone on the bus. Mrs. Govander had taken a huge risk by drinking while driving. She was careless and selfish, and she was not going to get away with what she had done. The officers then began calling the children’s parents to pick them up.

Children whispered anxiously to one another, and Paul's hands trembled as he relayed the developments to the 911 operator. The officer placed Mary under arrest, ensuring the safety of the children aboard. As she was helped into the back of the police car, Paul sighed in relief, knowing that something like this would not happen again any time soon.

Safe And Sound

With Mary in custody, another bus driver arrived on the scene to safely escort the children to their respective homes. They were happy to be over with the whole ordeal. It was now past 5 p.m. and the children and their parents were frantic with worry. Paul watched as the backup driver guided the bus away from the chaos that had unfolded.

News of Paul's quick thinking and bravery quickly spread through Hillsdale earning him accolades from his schoolmates and teachers alike. He became even more popular just for being vigilant. His parents, overcome with pride, hugged him tightly when they finally reunited at home. But would this issue change anything about the Portland school transportation system?

School Concern

In response to this harrowing incident, the school district wasted no time implementing new safety measures. They had a few alternatives to monitor the children’s transport which was a buddy system. Effective immediately, a backup driver would accompany each school bus on its afternoon route, ensuring the safety of every child on board. Was this an effective remedy for addicted adults?

Today, Hillsdale School celebrates Paul Whittiker, the young hero who, when faced with danger, rose to the occasion and averted a potential tragedy. He became a poster boy for health and safety in his youth. To this day, the town stands united in gratitude for his courage, reminding us all that heroes can emerge from the unlikeliest of places, even a school bus ride home.