3 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Skip Lunch

No time or simply not hungry? Here are 3 reasons explaining why skipping your lunch is not a good habit.

Your productivity goes down

You may not be hungry at lunchtime, but if you don't eat anything, you'll find that this will bother you later in the day. After all, your body needs energy to perform. You can also spread out your lunch a bit. For example, have an apple and save your sandwich for later in the afternoon. In any case, skipping lunch is not a good plan if you want to keep functioning well.

Binge eating

You may not be very hungry during your lunch break, but there comes a time when your body does signal that it needs fuel. Often it is too late by then and you will crave unhealthy salty or sweet things. Often you will eat too much and experience an energy dip. You must eat lunch to prevent such unhealthy binge eating and that nasty dip.

Your blood sugar drops

If you do not eat regularly, you will notice that your blood sugar level fluctuates. You may experience dizziness, irritability, and a kind of cotton head feeling. Choose healthy foods that don't affect your blood sugar too much. Examples include lots of vegetables and whole grain products.