You don’t always need a professional camera to take great photos. Your iPhone camera is more than capable of doing that for you; you just need to keep in mind a few tips for snapping the perfect shot!

Change The Exposure
Live photos aren’t anything new to the iPhone, but many people aren’t aware that these do more than just playing a short clip. If you flick up after taking a live photo, you’ll discover options for loop, bounce, and long exposure. It’s the last one that you want to pay attention to, especially if you’re shooting moving objects. This feature can do things like smoothen outflowing water or create light trails from vehicles in motion.
Keep The Same Settings
Some people tend to just snap a shot when they feel like it and hope that it turns out well. Others prefer to adjust the settings to suit what they’re photographing to ensure the image is always good quality. If you’re one of the latter, you’ll be glad to know there’s a way to save these settings so you can use them every time you open the camera app. Just go to preserve settings in the settings menu, and it’ll keep everything the same as the last time you took a photo.

Portrait Mode FTW
Portrait mode isn’t a new feature to the iPhone, but it is something that’s not used as much as it should be. Although it’s designed to help you take better photos of people, you can use it for skilled shots of animals too. By adjusting the 2x icon to 1x, the camera will find it easier to take better portrait pics, regardless of whether the subject matter is human or not.